
This show has rules? You are far more trusting of the writers than I. You might be right, but the writers are selling the idea Thawn thinks he can put everything back. He's smart enough to know if he couldn't and egotistical enough to chew the scenery to tell us that if that was the case. As his character is

I don't think Barry caught up with his timey-wimey future-past. Remember Wells was always asking Gideon if the future was on track? I think that's next, and I agree: it would be nice to break the usual time travel cliches. They already have with Cisco sorta remembering that alternate timeline.

The competence makes the difference for the character. Unfortunately the writers fail to give a good reason why his toys haven't been taken away from him and that ruins the effect.

This is basically why Julliette on Grimm got so much hate from fandom; the writers had no idea how to define her apart from the hero's love interest. Now they've given up and just made her evil, so I guess that's something….

Don't you know all female characters on TV are defined by their search for a MAN?
What did you expect in the early 21st century? Progress? *shakes head*

At this point superheros show writers will have to break out the Theasurus to sound fresh or start to really reach for it: Unhumans, Nonhumans, transhumans, and other cringe worthy attempts.

"Golden Glider"? *barfs* Sorry, I find the trope of guy still mesmerized by hot psycho bitch to be over done. I'm proud to say my guy friends never fall for this shit in real life…they all have the self respect not to even pretend to be "friends", much less in the same room.