Why Always Me

-Sigh- As a Christian continually in search of that one competent biblical movie, I suppose I'll nurse my immense disappointment in this movie by watching Prince of Egypt for the umpteenth time.

Aw, I like Cortez a lot. Bioware did a great job making him and Traynor really likable characters. The arc concerning his dead husband was quite touching.

Woo, Mass Effect 3! First playthrough or what? We must discuss when you get the chance!

I finished my replay of Mass Effect 1. I kinda regret not putting the game on a higher difficulty, as I didn't die once in my new game+ and basically wrecked everyone's shit. I played Renegade although I pussied out of some of the crueler decisions — I just couldn't see my pragmatic Shepard justifying genocide on a

I dunno, maybe it's just me then. It felt like a bit of retread, but it wasn't major… again, a slight nitpick.

This is probably the most I've enjoyed a Telltale game since the first episode of Wolf Among Us. I'm one of those rare terrible people who wasn't really a fan of the Walking Dead series, and I felt like the first episode in Wolf Among Us had a ton of incredible potential that it failed to live up to in a lot of

Is Liara considered highborn because her mother is a matriarch? I thought her pureblood status rendered her as something similar to an outcast among her kind. Or at least, not well respected.


Yeah, like the fact that the quarians are vegetarians… vegetarians! Oh, the horror.

I tried and I loathed the game with the passion of a thousand suns. Sorry. =(

So I was driving home when the announcer on the radio said a song by Jennifer Lawrence was coming on. About spat out my drink, haha.

Aw, thanks for that. Making me feel special and whatnot.

Lol I remember having a similar problem with Silver. I just wanted to leave the town and some fucking bitch wouldn't let me. It never occurred to me to go get my Pokemon from the lab, I just wanted to GTFO.

Ugh, I love Platinum so much. I also really like Diamond and Pearl, unlike everyone else. Part of it was the fact that Chimchar was just so damn cool.

My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Yellow. I don't really remember it because I was six at the time, but my mom always tells a really funny story about it. So, like I said, at the time I six, and kinda dumb, and thus was not very good at the game. So I asked my Mom to help me out, she started playing, and then got so

About damn time. I've been waiting what feels like forever for this to come out, haha. Anyway, before I discuss the Mass Effect Trilogy, I would like to briefly point out The Last Remnant, a Square Enix game so terrible that I stopped playing about fifteen minutes in. Horrible voice acting, a main character that made

Yeah, the concept of the endings are actually pretty cool, in my opinion. Very grey, since the best ending (imo) has you commit genocide. It was just frustrating because the Catalyst's logic didn't make sense… I'd just brokered a peace between the Geth and the Quarian's, and witnessed EDI's evolution to sentience. I

I went with destroy. The red ending. I knew there was a fourth option (I downloaded the free DLC), but the idea of basically dooming all of civilization in a long, drawn out war just didn't really fly with me. I admire the ambition Bioware had with trying to create three morally grey endings, but the execution was

Finished the Mass Effect series. Didn't think the ending was great, but I also didn't think it was the absolute worst thing ever. Will probably go more in-depth in the What Have You Been Playing this Weekend? segment.

Ah, Rannoch. Probably my least favorite mission. Not that it was bad or anything, just didn't impact me as much as any of the other missions.