Why Always Me

The Kung Fu Panda movies are some of my favorite animated movie comedies ever, so I am so totally with you on this, mate. It also has the added benefit of a sequel even better than the original.

Ooooh, how far you? Also, who ya romancing? Fem!shep or notfem!shep (there's only one correct answer)?

Continued my play through of Mass Effect 3. I finished Rannoch and was a little unimpressed. Killing the Reaper was cool once I figured out how the gun worked, but Legion randomly kneeling over and dying kinda took me aback. Not even close to the same emotional resonance as Tuchanka. Although the virtual world was fun

And LA vs Seattle. What are your predictions? I doubt Galaxy lose because their home record has been so impressive, but Seattle has been surprisingly good on defense lately, although their offense has looked anemic as a result. I think LA win 2-0.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is my favorite book of all time. OF ALL TIME. It has less to do with the actual quality, though, and more to do with the fact that it's the only book that has ever come close to capturing how I felt growing up after my dad blew his brains out. There's something really special about

I honestly have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that, haha. -puts paper bag over self, hides in shame-

D'OH! Edited. How embarrassing. Thanks for the correction, mate.

I watched Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2 over the week. I really liked it, and plan on watching Pulp Fiction next. The musical cues in particular were just on point and had me either on the edge of my seat or dying of laughter (The WREEEOOOH that plays whenever the Bride meets one of the assassins never fails to slay me). I

I can definitely see Mordin's death being an emotional pinnacle of the series. It certainly hurt far more than when I left Kaiden behind to die.

Man, when he started singing that song from 2… holy shit but it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm not really the type to cry but it definitely was a great moment.

Oh man, yeah. And then Joker caps it off by talking about making a gun that shoots thresher maws, haha. That shot where the Thresher Maw coils around the reaper like a python is burnd into my memory. Just thinking about it has me grinning like a friggin' idiot. Although, again, I had the lone survivor backstory, so

I thought X/Y were far too easy. I mean, I don't expect Pokemon to be Dark Souls or anything, but X/Y was just an absolute breeze. The only time I ever felt even close to being challenged were during the sky battles.

Really? I mean, I liked HeartGold/SoulSilver, but the terrible level scaling really soured some of the enjoyment. Personally would say either Platinum or Black/White are the best in the series.

I just finished watching it and I agree with you. The main "plot" of this movie, if you will, was sorta Katniss vs Peeta in terms of controlling the masses, and then the build-up to rescuing Peeta. All of which was pulled off. It also admirably served to introduce the characters of District 13, and will make the twist

So I started playing Mass Effect 3. I've braced myself for the ending, but in the meantime… I love it. So far this is my favorite of the series. The combat is the most fluid and fun I've had in a series I tend to put on casual so as not to deal with it. I still wish they'd kept the crouching mechanic, as mashing X to

Hmmm, I don't know. If the twist is properly telegraphed it could work. Depends on how the second part is executed, I suppose. I have a feeling I'm going to watch these movies one after the other after they come out on Netflix to see what it was supposed to look like.

Well, in my head it's in third person so that's not an issue, but point taken, haha.

You should read my new YA novel, where I solve the triangle by having my spare fall for his love interest's newborn daughter. It's genius I tell you, genius!

— Shia Labeouf

Eh, "married with children, in an increasingly better society", doesn't really say anything either way. I mean, I know people in our (somewhat) functioning society who are married with children. Not sure I would describe them as happy. But Katniss is better off than she was.