Why Always Me

— Lil Jon

Yeah, Katniss was pretty much a broken shell by the end of it all. So, I guess, a happy ending in the long term, for their society. But for the titular character? Not so much.

Honestly, Mockingjay would've been way better if it hadn't been first person. Also perhaps it should've been split into two books — it covers a hell of a lot of ground from what I can recall.

-bookdrops Archmage-

Was anyone else familiar with the books somewhat confused when Dowd talked about the good vs evil split? My memory is hazy, but from what I can recall, wasn't District 13, or at least Coin, just as bad as the Capitol?

Oh man, the first time one of those things came flying out from under a car, I dropped my controller I was so scared. I didn't know you could kick them, though, add that to the list of things I need to figure out.

That's crazy, I'm playing through Silent Hill 2 for the first time as well! Some of the horror was kinda lost as I derped around figuring out how to actually hit shit and what the fuck I was supposed to be doing. But the background sound is HORRIFYING and the walk to Silent Hill was nerve racking. Plus I'm convinced

I'm obsessed with FIFA, but the commentary is TERRIBLE, so I often mute it to listen to shit on my ipod. And often said shit are soccer podcasts, because I am a total dork. But I'll also listen to Polaris, which is a really good gaming podcast, even if I often disagree with their opinions on games. Otherwise I listen

Oh yeah, I forgot. I've also been binge playing the Mass Effect games on the PS3. The control changes from 1 to 2 are really jarring, haha, and take awhile to get used to. I'm playing mostly paragon with a bit of renegade 'tude(I've done every prompt, whether renegade or paragon, so far in Mass Effect 2, which is

I liked the villain in Big Hero 6 because he was pretty much Hiro's dark reflection. A bitter, vengeful genius who couldn't check his emotions and paid the price for it, in more ways than one. Sure it was pretty obvious who the villain was, but I thought he was executed nigh on perfectly. That look in his eye at the

I saw Big Hero 6 in theaters. I discussed it in depth on the review, but long story short, I really liked it. Distinctive characters, visually stunning, and emotionally resonant. The three things I look for in an animated film.

It's funny because I'm also a Chicago fan, although my lone bright spot in the season has been Shipp, not Amarikwa. They both deserve better, though.


I was super depressed by that game, as I was rooting for DC. Worst to first, baby! Although seeing the Galaxy dismantle RSL made me feel better, if only they could've done that to Seattle. Oh well. Personally rooting for New England to make it out of the East, but I won't lie, an Henry vs Donovan showdown would make

But the stakes aren't the hero's life or the faith of the world. I actually thought the stakes were relatively small scale for a Marvel-inspired Disney movie.

This is my first time posting on here, so I'm a bit nervous, but here goes nothing…