Why Always Me

I doubt this was the reason WHY, but there's also the fact that in ME3, the implants revived!Shepard has will cause her to be knocked out/potentially killed if she takes the destroy option.

No, I know that I could've chosen Anderson, but it was my second playthrough and I wanted as many different choices as possible. Also, I was under the impression that the council was led by humans, but that the other species were still allowed on it.

I am the very model of a scientist salarian…

Yeah, I figured that they wouldn't get rid of Ravagers (haven't had a chance to play ME3 with my renegade file). It's a shame that "that" particular gamer seems to have such a prevalent presence in the community, thus preventing more interesting actions from happening.

Haha, you said color.

Technically it is addressed if you save your squadmate, Coombs. He emails you and pretty much calls you an asshole. But that's about it.

You can still make peace if the rogue Geth are part of the hive mind. However you get a "point" for destroying the rogue geth, which adds to the necessary total in the choices you make when it comes to saving both the Geth and the quarians.

Same here. As long as you consistently go paragon/renegade with the major choices you're going to max out what you need to max out. All the little stuff is there to flesh out your character.

Haha, are you me? I had the EXACT same reaction to Udina. That smug son of a bitch will never have my sympathy. EVER. I couldn't even bring myself to install Udina in my renegade playthrough, just said FUCK YOU to both him and Anderson and walked out. Then they MADE me chose Udina in ME2 because there was no final

I actually never really had an issue with paragon/renegade throughout the majority of my first playthrough. I found that as long as I went paragon with major decisions I was pretty much set. The only major decision I missed out on was sparing that scientist dude on Feros. Then in ME2 and 3, my imported Shepard had

ME3 had the best solution, short of getting rid of the paragon/renegade system altogether, by offering reputation points.

I don't really care about the topic at hand. I think the show would be all the better if they could get, say, a black female on the cast to juxtapose with Carter's situation. But I don't expect a show to tackle every social issue under the sun.

Playing sports games with friends and family over the holidays… just a lot of fun. As well as Nintendo games where you get to be a dick to everyone else in co-op.

I finally watched Ufotable's Fate/Zero. It is BEAUTIFUL, with some really compelling characters as well. Gilgamesh is such a smug asshole, I ate up every minute he was on screen, haha. The only thing I didn't like is that the mythology behind the show is so incredibly dense that certain parts were vaguely confusing.

Your coaches must not have been very good, or your league very poor… I always play the worst players on offense, so that they don't leak goals like the Titanic. =P

I don't really have a bone to pick in this discussion, I just want to say that nothing drives me crazier than when people say something along the lines of, "You just didn't get it." I'm having PTSD flashbacks to Evangelion Youtube comments as I type this…

There may or may not be a sequel, but isn't a movie coming out? I saw a trailer for it… Murray's model looked hideous, but otherwise it seemed pretty good.

I've actually never seen these comics, but I thought Sucker Punch handled the transition from 2 to 3 really well. Murray in particular because so much time was spent bringing him back into the fold and then exploring his past through the visit to Australia.

I liked the idea, but it really felt poorly executed… it didn't help that the time skip caused the characters to change in ways we hadn't seen. It felt really jarring for someone who'd just replayed Sly 3 in anticipation of the game.

Sly Cooper is a classic. I was super depressed to discover Sucker Punch was dropping it in favor of fucking Infamous.