
This. This was so obvious to me, especially since Oliver doesn't exactly shy away from breaking his promises to people if he feels it's for the greater good. And you're not obligated to agree to people's demands if they're that pointless and unreasonable.

Or he could wander into some magical realm that makes time go slower and stay there for seasons and seasons so that they can extend the flashbacks for however long they like! (Unless their quality significantly increases, God forbid that this happens)

This episode made me realize how little Arrow resonates with me anymore. It's just become too ridiculous. I felt that all their pointing out that this death is final just made it feel more… arbitrary. It's final because all the characters are repeating it over and over again, not because there's a plot-relevant reason

I seem to recall that Lucifer said that Maze is the leader, or at least some kind of high-ranking officer, of the Lilim somewhere near the beginning of the show..

But is Urich respected in the same manner Clemmons is? Because he seems to be thought as kind of obsessive and crazy-ish by his colleagues…

Reyes's position isn't exactly respected, at least not as the show portrays her… Urich is respected by the characters but not the public and Reyes is vice versa so the criteria is not the same..

It would kind of a be a good parallel to the Civil War thing going on in movies.

A big YES to all the pairings that you think work well.

I like Elektra as a character and I adore her portrayal and characterization in this, but I still found most of the scenes with her in them boring. It's just that I'd like to see her interact with other people and other storylines because the people she talks to don't usually play to her strengths and the Hand

I didn't see Karen's patriarchy comment as a strawman feminist, but I did see it as OOC.

I said in a comment above, the thing with Madame Gao and Ra's Al Ghul is that they have a) personality b) mystery and plot twists. These make you think about them a lot because the show/film keeps subverting your expectations in a lot of subtle ways that make you question everything about them and what they could

I've thought about this and I concluded that what makes me interested in Madame Gao is that her story has a lot of small twists that first lead me in one direction and then reverse it. Like I'm never sure if Fisk is working for her or vice-versa, I don't know what her goals are, I don't know if Fisk is manipulating

I didn't read that scene as Pam jumping to the conclusion that it was Jeri's fault, I read it as Pam realizing that Jeri is the sort of person who would release someone like Kilgrave for her own personal agenda and not show any remorse when he ends up killing her ex wife. That's more than enough to show Jeri for the

My headcanon is that superpowered people get immune to Killgrave's control with time and that it would have happened to Luke, too, if Killgrave controlled him long enough. No evidence for that in the show itself, though.

It took me a minute of thinking about what kind of job must be so horrible that the employees regularly try to off themselves before I realized that you probably work with suicidal people and they're the *clients*. And I'm saying this as a Psych major.

True, but you are married to your wife and she has the assumption of knowing most things about your life. Karen and Matt have been dating for a couple of weeks and have been coworkers for about a year at best with Matt being notoriously secretive about his life, so realistically Karen would assume that Elektra is a

Haha that's exactly what I was thinking the entire time, especially in that scene when he rescues the Punisher from the Irish mob. It's like, he stops Frank from shooting a guy but then he hits him over the head so hard that he's probably going to be in a coma for the rest of his life so… what's the point?

YES, thank you, I could not upvote this more. Even though the premise is ridiculous, maintaining a consistent tone does a lot for suspension of disbelief. It's difficult to keep taking it seriously if the story shifts to another genre literally every third scene.

Actually that's how the Foot clan got their name :D The writers of TMNT are Daredevil fans and the accident that mutated the turtles is the same one that left Matt blind :D You may have known this and that may have been the point of the comment but I'm too dorky not to point this out for the general commentariat :D

You're right, I forgot that the public opinion scene came before it was revealed what the DA did to Frank.