
Perhaps they wanted to make a point that, since Frank was *against* the scheming, corrupt police force that was likely to prey on them, the downtrodden felt that Frank was doing a better/fairer job of policing Hell's Kitchen than the police? I'm pretty sure Frank has always been an equal-opportunity killer as long as

*POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHOY* Apparently they're trying to make a case for Frank not being in his right mind due to watching his family get killed… They're not trying to deny that he killed any of those people and Frank isn't either, they're trying to make a case that he's a good person who doesn't belong in prison but

I've always loved Foggy because he manages to be a whole, multidimensional person despite being funny and having a bit of fluff on him and occupying the stereotypical "funny sidekick" role and I love that the show actually takes him seriously and shows different facets of him. Not sure if you got to this already but

Perhaps she's got a really bad case of the female equivalent of blue balls due to pining over Matt for so long, so now she's just looking to get laid wherever she can…?

I noticed the race thing more than the gender thing, it seemed like all the people supporting Frank were ethnic in some way.

Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking the entire time. All right, he definitely didn't get PTSD while at war but, y'know, the small matter of watching his family get murdered in front of his eyes *might* be PTSD-worhty in my opinion… And their defense basically boiled down to "He has PTSD but we won't call it PTSD

Thank you for saying this. I basically spent most of the evening feeling nostalgic for the grounded show that Arrow used to be. I remember feeling vaguely uncomfortable with the fact that Mirakuru was vaguely unrealistic, oh how naive I was…

Those deaths felt real because that was before the half a dozen fakeout deaths that happened in the meanwhile.

I think by the point he finished the episode he was too overwhelmed by the crappiness of the death portion to think about the Andy plotline.

Now that I think about it, I think you're right. There's just something so dodgy and, well, unsympathetic about her and the way she's portrayed to me personally that no amount of validation from the show can make me see her as any more likable, so I probably just don't notice how sympathetic they are towards her

It couldn't be her because she was in the limo, though.

Hey, they're just staying true to the comics.

This is the main issue I have with Darhk's character in general. He's so overpowered that he could kill them all with his magic powers in two seconds flat and demonstrates that every time he meets Oliver but somehow he lets them go or stops to gloat even though Oliver is clearly messing with his plans and he has no

They're going to use it as a flashback once they run out of Lian Yu flashbacks.

Finally someone who's talking about this. I was really annoyed by Dig's plot-induced stupidity in this. Andy's behaviour was exactly like in the flashbacks when he started working for the shady military faction behind Dig's back and I hated the way Dig chewed out Oliver (and even unnecessarily called him out on his

I'd choose Fisk every time, far more character depth and he's kind of pathetically adorable when he's not chewing scenery.

But Laurel could have had a lot of potential storylines! She was showing so much potential as a character once they decided to focus on her!

Could also cause a rift between Dig and someone else, since Dig essentially caused this by being too carefree with his suspiciously-acting brother who has a history of being a lying asshole…

She actually got more buff when Laurel became Black Canary, I remember finding her too skinny in Season 1 and noting the realism of her gaining muscle. I also remember noticing that her arms are nicely toned in a relatively recent episode, but I'm not sure if the actress has lost weight again after it became

I would LOVE Vixen in Arrow, she charmed me from moment one and I kept thinking what a shame it was that she wasn't a regular. I hate the special effects for her power, though, they remind me of the unrealistically long transformation sequences for magical girl anime.