Sebastian Howard

Real men are hard to come by in 2017, they've been so bogged down by the pc culture that they're afraid to even voice an opinion in public without being told that they're opinion's shit or that they're sexist, racist cis fucks who need to die.


He was talking about how women let him do whatever he wants because he's rich. Not sexual assault, just an old rich dude bragging. That's how guys who still have their balls talk, honey. I say dumb shit to my friends all the time that I don't mean like "If she's passed out at a party just pick her head up and nod it,

I don't have that problem, I was talking generally. When I hear criticisms of Trump its not usually on his policies (I mean I hear those too, don't get me wrong) but on some stupid shit like the locker room talk thing or Pissgate or how "disgraceful" it is that his wife is the first lady because she's done nude shots

This is kind of ridiculous, I don't like Trump in the least but he said that he ends up being too busy to read that much… I mean so what? The misspelling's pretty funny but it was a pretty innocent mistake compared to the things he does on a daily basis on purpose.

Slip It In Black Flag

"I think we can all agree that keeping secrets doesn't end well."


Okay to figure out why Bray's the heel and Orton's the face you have to go back to how the feud started. Bray and Orton were feuding and every time Orton was about to win Harper would interfere. Orton got tired of being fucked with both physically and mentally and joined the family hoping to find out how he could hurt

Its nice to see some POSITIVE feedback on the shows. I just read Brandon Stroud's Best and Worst of Raw this week and he just comes across as SUCH a whiny bitch. Wah wah wah Trips looked too strong in the last segment, the authoirity's bad, wah wah wah, nothing important ever happens on Raw (this was AS he was talking

The only person who could replace Dennis is…Nic Cage.

I've done heroin before and part of it is because a lot of the extremely cool guys from the 60s/70s have done it and sung about it which made me curious but I've never actually even thought about shooting it up.

How dare you not blow Escape from LA! That movie is legit a 5 star cheesy action movie masterpiece. HE SHOOTS HOOPS TO SAVE HIS LIFE!!!

^So accurate.

Constant misery does exist in the world, but it doesn’t make for great television."

Sudden Death sucks and I LOVE JCVD.

I get why Bad Boys won this year as it is more important but Die Hard w/ A Vengeance is the better movie and I'd say the best action movie of 95. To be fair I've never seen Heat but I really like the dynamic between Willis and Sam Jackson and when I think of mid 90s action movies I think of Die Hard 3.

Still though, even if you don't like the end I feel you can still appreciate the 2 hours that came before. That's the way I feel about certain movies like the first Silent Hill.

I actually thought A Cure was pretty good, a little too long and the story did get a tad repetitive… also the end had a completely different atmosphere than the rest of the film but for the most part I really enjoyed it. I know it didn't do great from a critical reception pov but fuck, even AV Club gave it a B.