Sebastian Howard

"The odds that someone will look at a Walter White or a Rorschach and
make the mistake of thinking that their rage and inflexible world views
make them somehow worth idolizing are painfully high; and while it’s
misguided to blame Breaking Bad or Watchmen (the comic)
for the “bad fan” phenomenon, I do appreciate wlhen

I see where you're coming from as I've been thinking about this a bit as I've gotten into film crit hulk lately and he says the same thing, however I think that the characters are just as interesting even though they don't change. That's realistic, people don't change all the time and you can still get emotionally

I see where you're coming from as I've been thinking about this a bit as I've gotten into film crit hulk lately and he says the same thing, however I think that the characters are just as interesting even though they don't change. That's realistic, people don't change all the time and you can still get emotionally

I also hope we later get an episode that focuses on Herr Starr, I have that one shot in my comic box and its fucking hilarious and emotionally affecting at the same time. I know that Herr Starr is kind of considered a comedy character but he's definitely a fleshed out three dimensional character and his turn on the

Though I will say that Eugene being in Hell is pretty interesting.

Just wanted to say I think the show missed a big opportunity at a fun scene that could've been done a few episodes ago with Jesse and Cassaidy getting Eugene laid in New Orleans with the bag over his head. I mean I haven't read the comics in a while (might reread them at some point because this show is doing a good

Most Baby Boomers hate Trump.

Alex Riley? Really? The Miz's little bitch that's NOT Michael Cole? At least her husband was in Mad Men. C'mon Debbie you can do better.

I usually just see it get hated on for the most part.

Yo, some love for Punisher War Zone! About damn time.

Look I can get behind reportive journalism and obviously the first amendment should always be upheld but there was nothing to this case, as far as intent, beyond Gwaker getting attention for outing Hogan for having sex. They just wanted media exposure, they weren't trying to out Hogan or had any political underlings,

"Sebastian “Bash” Howard"

I've seen so many people try to bury Sgt Pepper and I've never bought it. That album is DAMNED good and you can listen to it in any mindset but listening to it while stoned or zonked on acid really brings it to the next level. She's Leaving Home is a really beautiful song btw.

Wouldn't you be so annoyed if you're Sweeney? Like you bring Laura back to life and all you get is a punch to the face and this bitch honking at you.


Evil Within 2 looks amazing, fuck AV Club's review for Evil Within, almost EVERY OTHER goddamn site gave that game high as fuck reviews and its actually a fun game if you play on easy.

"but it explicitly set up a deeper conflict that it then shows no particular interest in."

That "white people" comment was so bizarre and out of nowhere. April's like, "Oh maybe someone will save us," and Tayna replies with basically, "Goddamn white people, thinking people will save them and shit." I just thought that was so retarded and forced with no real justification. Tanya, from what we've learned

Arrow's just been so much better though. I think the difference between Arrow/Flash this season is that with Oliver you have a backstory to mine whereas with Barry they knew they'd already went through his backstory extensively so they went into the future. But I agree, Arrow makes more sense as a gritty, badass show

I actually only liked the first episode too.