Sebastian Howard

The only thing that bothers me about this film coming out tomorrow is that A Cure for Wellness JUST came out. Do you guys think that will hurt the box office at all or do you think that the demographic is different enough that it doesn't matter? I get that this is a heavily black film, focusing on modern day topics

Welcome to the family, son!

Wally and Jesse's segments made want to puke, I don't mind romantic stories if they're told well but Jesus, those scenes were pulled right out of the cliche hat.There just hasn't been enough character development between Wally and Jesse for us to care about their relationship. And Wally being a little primadonna bitch

I'm glad that someone mentioned Chrisley, that show is so goddamn awful and they push it all the time on USA. What's the joke? Chrisley's secretly a homo? Jesus, who cares?

I really don't care what anyone says, the first two Shrek movies are great and hold up well even now. And Shrek After Ever isn't that bad.

I'm actually really curious if this format is going to stay now, most people seem to want the old reviews back, I feel you guys, I do but they still seem to be hitting the main points here. IDK, should be interesting but I for the most part agree, I kind of want the full review style back.

Realistically we're like yay, AV Club got a mention. and then goes back to doing what we were doing (playing Silent Hill 2 for the 3rd time).

This story reminds me a lot of the original 52 arc where Lex Luthor was making superheroes and all the kids got big heads and thought they were the shit. Anyone here read that arc and know what I'm talking about?

Resident Evil 7 was really great but the campaign is only 10 hours, so after you beat it twice you're kind of just like damn, that's it? I like the DLC they added a lot even if they are really hard. The one where you're trying to escape the room was really well done and reminded me of Misery. The actual game itself

Not the real Mary Jane so it doesn't matter.

Did anyone else read that headline and instantly think of that TERRIBLE Papa Roach song they used to use for Raw? OHHHHHHHHHH I JUST WANNAA WANNA BE LOVEDDDDDD!!!!

I think this is the rebooted Spiderman, not the Tobey Maguire one. Also, shut up Jake, you're just pissy that they didn't make you Spiderman.

I think this is REALLY stupid considering the fact that Trump winning, one of the few positives is that South Park was supposed to have episodes that pretty much wrote themselves and now that's out the window. LAME!

I have never felt physically sick while playing a video game (well one time when I was playing Doom in VR but that's because the low quality graphics in vr made me nauseous) but the part of the game with the GIANT REALISTIC looking bugs made me want to throw up. Jesus Christ, those bugs were so fucking gross. I was

Great review and its nice to see that AV Club is actually being POSITIVE about the game (I was pretty scared of a negative review here).

BTW Finn Balor's going to win and everyone's going to hate it.

Can you even be an AJ Styles super fan if you never watched him in TNA?

I am legit so fucking pissed about them getting rid of the hooker page on Backpage, now the only escorts you can get are like 300 plus bucks and you're not even guaranteed to get laid. Bull-fucking-shit!

The best part of this episode was Styles burying Otunga on commentary.

Gargoyes sucks dick.