Sebastian Howard

"Office of the XO: Hearing from multiple sources that BSG isn’t going to be on Netflix anymore starting October 1.
Does anyone know of alternate ways to watch, besides buying the DVDs?

The robot was so fucking annoying.

BvS IS a good movie dammit!

Since everyone's quoting JR let me quote Monsoon:

It would be cool but I really doubt that Harper's going to be given the IC Title.

Really liked that they did the Miz/Ambrose match, interesting clash of characters and we hadn't seen it since the Brand Split. More importantly though, who are they going to feud AJ with at the Rumble? Wyatt or Orton seem like the most logical choices…

What bothers me is that they JUST did this about a month ago and no one's mentioning it.

I don't really see how Enzo looked like a creep this week, he tried not going along with banging Lana but she came onto him really hard. Not saying he hasn't looked bad but he didn't really do anything this week (well besides showing the sext to Cass).

Was no one else bothered by the fact that we saw Jericho/Reigns for the US belt like a couple months ago, and that they reused that kick spot with Owens in another match with Jericho? I mean, GOD DAMN Creative is LAZY!

I just realized that Ash was referencing the fucked up continuity of the Evil Dead movies when he was looking for the book. "Did I see it here first," looking at the place where he found it in the second Evil Dead movie and then he goes, "or was it down in the basement?" where he found it in the original movie. That

I wouldn't care if they did it as long as they did it with someone we didn't care about. Lucy and Kelly are both established characters and likable so we don't want to see that happen to them.

From watching Talking Smack lat night I definitely think The Miz could become a commentator after he retires, take JBL's spot. He clearly knows who's talented, puts people over but still has a heel bent.

Such a great name for a band.

Goddamn Canadians!


I actually like Carmela a lot more than Betty Draper or Skyler White. Carmela is just a nicer person than either of them, a lot less manipulative and a lot more honest with herself and where her life is. She tries to hide where she's at and distract herself but her demons are still gnawing on her. And yeah she gives

Its funny, back in 2006 Kenny Dykstra thought he was such hot shit. He was dating Mickie James and one time he was sitting in his car with her at a red light. Some fan pulled over and asked for an autograph, Mickie was nice to the fan and gave him her signature bu Kenny didn't care and drove away, injuring the fan.

What did he say that was so bad? I know that Jericho used to talk shit to Rene but it makes more sense since he's.. y'know a heel…. and he's Chris Jericho. I mean if there's one thing we know about Y2J, through 20 years of character development, its that he loves to talk shit to women.

I think you're misreading the Wyatt/Orton deal. Wyatt wasn't scared of Kane, that's not why he left, he left because Orton challenged him. He was stuck between fighting Kane or Orton and he went after Orton, the reason he was freaking out about it was because he knew he was going to look like a puss if he just let

Home Run Inn's frozen pizza is great.