Sebastian Howard

My friend Tyler is completely like this. His GF has cheated on him constantly, uses him for shit and he just acts like a little accepting bitch about it. Of COURSE I'm going to tell him he's pussywhipped… I just don't get where you're all "oh my god what a terrible thing to say," like dude, I know its 2016 but you

lol okay dude, guess you're all PC now. Honestly, some women DO turn guys into complete bitches and the guys let them get away with it. Pussy whipped is just another way of saying that, I'm not saying that talking to women or whatever mg was saying is pussy whipped at all but it DOES happen. Honestly, you don't need

I really, really hope you're not trying to imply Punk is bad on the mic. I don't think you are but still…

I think that mg is pretty stupid but who HASN'T said pussy whipped at one point or another? Honestly….

I have to admit that is pretty cool but what are the sales figures compared to the early 90s or late 80s? If its the best in 20 years.. well 20 years ago was 1996, when, as this article says the comic industry went down. Basically what I'm saying is that is pretty cool but it just doesn't feel to me that that many


I actually really like Swagger, he's at the very least just as good as The Miz or Kofi Kingston. Watching him in 2009-2010 he was extremely talented and had a great theme song. Not his fault he's been buried so often that even reviewers think he's an "average" wrestler.

" The disdain and contempt she has in her interactions with Dana, all in
the name of “mentorship,” are so good that they’ve made the crowd think
they want to root for Dana Brooke—a character who has been a dopey
lackey her entire main roster career."

Am I the only person who really dug the Club/New Day match?

I love Subway's buffalo chicken sandwich with bacon…. but its the only thing I ever get from there.

The way they have been built up, taking out Big E, pretty much beating the New Day whenever its a fair fight and almost taking the titles off them at SS, yeah I'd definitely say they're badass or at least they've been built as such.

Nurse Dana is hot.

Bullshit, besides that one segment, which was admittedly awful, they've been funny and definitely have heat, they also come across as the only team badass enough to take the titles off the New Day right now.

Have loved this song ever since I heard it in the Muppets movie.

Why is everyone acting like this movie getting positive reviews is so surprising? Evil Dead Remake was great, the commercials for this looked good and the concept seemed like it would garner it good, positive reviews. Really, why are the AV Club commentators acting like this is such a shock!?

I….. I actually liked this Raw. I thought the Demon King stuff was great and made Balor look like even more of a threat to Rollins than he already did. I mean, this wasn't Rollins cutting a promo and taking a couple moves, this was Rollins TRYING to beat up Finn Balor and getting his ass kicked and being legit scared

Seaside, Astoria Oregon. God they do such a great job of getting the authenticy of that place. Used to live there when I was a kid and went back to Wenatchee, WA a couple years ago for three months.

I remember when I was a kid and my parent's watched a movie with Jim Carrey with a darker tone where he is creepily stalking a guy and trying to be his friend. I was always interested in the movie but never had any idea what it was and haven't watched it since. I've heard, somewhat, of the Cable Guy but I never

I actually like Candlebox…. Left Far Behind is such a great song, I thought their first album was pretty good too.

The Miz sucks a bag of dicks