Sebastian Howard

I was playing Arkaham Knight before seeing this movie and god damn…. Leto is just NOT the Joker, he's like some alternate world weird version… Really, seeing Mark Hamill's perfectly funny and disturbing Joker and comparing it to Leto just… isn't fair because Leto drags so far behind. IDK, I wouldn't have minded so

Leto came across more as a weirder Johnny Charisma (Arkham Knight) than anything resembling the Joker.

You know you never hear people bitching about how Channing Tatum was sexualized in Magic Mike, there wasn't a bunch of people bitching that OMG THEY'RE OBJECTIFYING MALES or the same thing with Thor or any movie where men are "objectified" or sexualized…. why? BECAUSE NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!!!! Why is this their double


Does anyone else think this album sounds extremely 90s?

I think the 2 hour format works wonders for Smackdown, it makes the show go by so much faster and makes everything seem more important because there isn't a bunch of filler. I see your griveances about the diva's and tag division but that has more to do with the story telling and the writing than the shorter time.

"I don’t understand what WWE is doing with The Club, and I won’t respond to it."

I love that your picture is a customer service guy, like someone tries to call AV Club and ask them about it and its you answering.

No but if the ruling went another way I could've been, I committed a felony (was the lookout for a burglary of a structure) and the only reason I got off was because I took probation, it was my first crime, and it was petty theft (my friend and I just wanted a bottle of whiskey pretty badly and the guy we were

I liked that in the 40s they used critic reviews of films as a big selling point in their films. Now you might see some short little quip or whatever and people saying, "This is one of the best movies of the year," but with the Devil and Daniel it actually looks like they're happy of the positive reviews of their film

I'm really shocked no one picked Burgess Meredith, I mean come on, only one of the best Twilight Zone episodes ever!

I think its absolutely bizarre to make a film's major sticking point against Demo's, in 2016, is that they're racist. Aren't Republican's THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE PISSED ABOUT SJWS AND BLACK LIVES MATTER??? Its just so fucking weird and nonsensical…. Democrats are the one's that are for Welfare programs,

I really doubt that most people's problems with D'Souza have to do that he was a felon. I was in jail for 25 days and got a Withheld Adjudication, doesn't mean I'm a scumbag…..

So are we going to get two wrestling reviews, with one person doing a write up of Raw and another of Smackdown or are we just going back to the one Raw review every tuesday?

I absolutely did not see the whole sexist, weird Shane hating Steph for being a woman thing. Shane just says shit that he knows is going to get pops and takes shots at his sister for being an overbearing bitch…. its not like he's telling her she's a dirty, disgusting trashbag hoe or anything….

"Unfortunately, they’re absolutely the same—just with more masturbation
jokes—as though they didn’t just go through a war. It’s an insult to the
audience’s intelligence, an insult (yet again) to The Wyatt Family’s
entire mystique, and an insult to what was surely both teams’ attempts
at doing something interesting

LaToya must have not been paying close enough attention to the commentary in the main event. Ambrose did a suicida, which is a move that Rollins does ALL THE TIME and JBL's yelling, "AMBROSE IS CRAZY!!! Why would you do that, he doesn't even know what he's gonna do!"

Wasn't Shogun Assassin played in Kill Bill 2?

If he thinks New York is bad he should move over to Chicago… no police brutality or black people playing into stereotypes over there, no sir.

He really should be reading the comics, playing the Arkham games, watching the movies, trying to get in the head of the Joker, NOT trying to get into the head of random maniacs and mentally ill people. The Joker's character is so different from the typical mentally ill person…. and its also like, every mentally ill