Sebastian Howard

You see Ffm you seem to be missing the point of my comment
entirely. Yes, I did break the law and yes, eventually I DID break the
terms of my probation, I did deserve to be in jail for a bit. But 25
days for my first stint in jail? No fucking way that's fair, when people
with worse rap sheets with the same crimes were

You see Storm you seem to be missing the point of my comment entirely. Yes, I did break the law and yes, eventually I DID break the terms of my probation, I did deserve to be in jail for a bit. But 25 days for my first stint in jail? No fucking way that's fair, when people with worse rap sheets with the same crimes

You bet baby cakes.

I wasn't blaming the system persay, yes I did violate and I was part of a burglary (just the lookout but its enough to be charged with it). What I'm actually upset about is the fact that I got 25 days in jail for my first charge while other people with multiple felonies, who would violate, would get out in three days.

Maybe you should FIND out the FACT that being on probation does NOT mean you're on parole…. dipshit.

Probation is NOT parole, they're completely different!

I do.

90% of judges are out of touch, old assholes anyway. I was sentenced to a MONTH (25 days) in jail for smoking weed while on probation for a Burglary of a Structure. This was my first crime EVER and when I was going to go do my comm service at the Salvation Army a couple weeks ago, a guy with multiple felonies on his

A good one to add is the new car commercial using either Raw Power or Search and Destroy (I think its Search and Destroy but I could be wrong).

That boost mobile commercial makes no fucking sense, are people really like OH SHIT THEY TOTALLY HAD CELLPHONES IN THE 80S, GOTTA GET ONE OR I'LL BECOME A BIG BODY BUILDER AND GET LAID A LOT!!!

Charles Montgomery Punk


Where the fuck is that dude who acts like he's stuck in the 1800s???

Did anyone here see He Never Died? Thought it was a really good movie even if the premise was kinda whacky. Perfect role for Rollins.


Sounds like a Robot Chicken sketch.

Let's just all move to Chicago….


Love your pic, Minutemen are great.