Sebastian Howard

"If one were to judge Fuller’s intentions by the revamped origin of the Ninja Turtles,
Jason Voorhees will now be the product of a secret government
experiment to wipe out teenage sex and drugs, headed by Dr. Pamela
Voorhees during the new puritanical reign of Ronald Reagan."

Its weird because in the comics the plot is a lot tighter and focused than in the show.

Flash is a pretty optimistic show in general, they're always flipping bad guys and looking for the best in people. Even with the show getting darker in the last season the tone has generally been upbeat and hopeful.

I like how Arrow tried to be optimistic for a while in the latest season and then just kind of gave up because the writers needed to nuke a town to build for the season finale or some shit. I mean, dude Oliver saved Dark's daughter which could have been a turning point for the character but instead he just became

"The show isn’t so much an ensemble series as a bunch of
single-protagonist stories spliced together (Dany in Essos, Jon at the
Wall, Arya in Braavos, etc.),"

Such a funny interpretation, Lois just doesn't give a shit about Superman and is trying to do her job and he's basically harassing her.

Hard for me to connect with a chick who has so much sex that she ends up having Shakespeare visions in her head and tries to cope with her "spanking fetish," as someone who NEVER gets laid I just could not care less.

Yeah and I just looked at the 80s version and it looks SO MUCH better! Really amazing the difference… I guess that everyone was trying to copy Rob Liefeld in the 90s which isn't really a good thing.

Serious question, are you the same El Santo from 1000 Misspent Hours?

I was digging the art a lot, I really like the 80s art in comics and as much as I like AOA I HATE that stupid mid-90s comics art. Its like they're trying to draw a fucking videogame or something..

Batman Returns is just… weird. Devito's version of Penguin is just so weird, he's like disgusting and spitting black shit out of his mouth all the time… I have no idea why they decided to go with that version of the character because he in the comics he's actually intelligent and sophisticated, not a near retard who

Something this article completely blows off is how important of a villain Apocalypse was in X Men TAS, they actually incorporated him into the main story of the X Men universe in that show and was arguably the greatest villain they had in the whole show. I have only recently read AOA but I knew who Apocalypse was

Is it just me or do prisons from this time period seem a little bet better than prisons now? I mean, it could just be because its a film and they didn't go into certain topics but it just doesn't seem like you have a bunch of crazy, big black tatted up guys raping white boys with long hair or people running around

"where Arrow is going to have a fragile relationship with its
audience for the foreseeable future, where any big creative decision is
appraised not just in terms of “How well does it work?” but also “Does
the creative team actually know what they’re doing here?” That’s an
awfully meta way to be thinking about a show,

"I was told that men have it difficult in our feminized society." Well at least THIS part is true…

If Keith didn't like this movie why the fuck does it have an A minus!??

H S Thompson mentions that he actually saw the original broadcast and wrote about it in Generation of Swine.

Its depressing for me because I've liked Cody a lot since like 2010 when he had the Dashing gimmick, he's just so damn good at whatever he's given and WWE's just like… "Sorry kid, we've got to job you out to Apollo Crews/Rey Mysterio/ Randy Orton,"

It is pretty bizarre to think about the whole era of WWE that started off in the midcard around 2008-09, back then guys like Cody Rhodes, Miz, Dolph Ziggler, were considered the future and we were all just waiting for them to get their pushes… and then The Miz got pushed and everyone wanted it to end.