Sebastian Howard

I think the main problem with doing this is that we don't really have an established Spiderman, I mean Toby Maguire was a version of Spiderman that seemed readily identifiable by most people AS Spiderman, whereas the newer movies haven't had that same feeling AND the whole series was rebooted AGAIN. The whole point

My life was also very crazy and hectic in that time period and I was so young that its kind of hard to gage from an objective standpoint, for me late 2007 is when my life started to settle down a little bit. When I was 10 I was living in Wenatchee, my parents were constantly on and off, Mom had her crazy junkie

Is Spidey smoking a cig in that pic?

2006…. the economy was good, everyone hated Bush, John Cena and Edge feuded for WAY TOO LONG, The Departed was the most popular movie and Youtube was in its infancy with stuff like this, new music videos and animation shorts. I was only 10 at the time but that was one WEIRD fucking year… though I do look back on it

Amid all these people talking about how great CC is, I think the WORST thing they did was how they treated the MST3k episodes in the mid 90s, being completely disrespectful to the fans and y'know, cancelling the show even though it had a huge following. I really wish this article would've devoted a section to MST3K

I used to watch Black Cauldron on loop when I was little, I really dug the dark atmosphere. Parents need to quit being such complete and utter PUSSIES, watching cartoons with dark overtones is not going to "corrupt your child," or something like that… I mean most kids my age have already seen Batman Begins:Return of

Something I didn't realize till I rewatchd this movie, Die Hard 3 COMPLETELY ripped off this movie for it's plot. Callahan having to run around answering phone booths is just a more realistic version of the Die Hard 3 plot. There's no way the writer wasn't basing Die Hard 3 off the segment from Dirty Harry.

That Jim Carrey scene… holy shit! I literally didn't even know that was a thing!

You've gotta feel bad for Barry, duped TWICE though you really have to blame the Flash crew (and us maybe) for pushing Jay so hard on him. I remember in the AV Club reviews for the start of this season and we were all just kind of impatient with Barry for not accepting Jay sooner and being a bit of a dick to him… and

I think its because everyone in the CW shows look extremely modern and kind of boring whereas everyone in Earth 2 looks kinkier than hell.

Actually the first season of the Sopranos aired in 1999 so if Pussy was working with the FBI since 98 that DOES mean he was working with the before the season started. Also the second season aired in 2000 so that means he's now two years into working with the FBI so that means he probably started having doubts around

I'm not too sure about Hot Shots, honestly most people aren't that into Rambo that are younger and even if they are NONE of them have seen Hot Shots. Its more of an older guy movie.

No one has ever seen Fear of a Black Hat and ITS SO DAMN FUNNY!!

"As does the implication that Dennis would have been less traumatized if Mrs. Klinsky had been more attractive."

Patti comes across as insanely stupid not making the connection between Flash and Barry.

I would admit checking out a chicks ass.

Not mentioned on here but there's also a Doctor Who marathon on on BBC, nice to flip between that and TZ.

Doesn't help that Smackdown sounds terrible tonight. I'm a wrestling fans AND EVEN I don't want it to interrupt the Twilight Zone marathon.

Aye c'mon now…. its NEVER a bad time to think with your dick!

Tommy Wiseau is fucking INSANE! What a terrible place to be inside…. his thought process is WEIRD!