Sebastian Howard

The reason I don't like Alex Kingston is well… its NOT Alex Kingston herself, its River. River is the complete embodiment of everything that people don't like about Moffat. The obnoxious catchphrases, the overly complicated stories, the implausibility….

I really loved this game when it came out (I was 14 when I played it of course), the whole atmosphere is just so terrible and depressing, it really sucks you in and its one of the few games I've played with that willingness to go that fucking far just for the sake of atmosphere. The lusty chicks with dicks as weapons

AV Club really needs to do a new review on this, this is by far the best Moore movie made and this review just seems so half assed compared to most of AV Club's detailed reviews.

"Mad Max: Fury Road has provoked quite a few hissy fits from the
self-appointed spokesmen for glass-jawed masculinity, and since they
seem to be just about the only people other than me who aren’t
roof-over-axles in love with this movie, I want to emphasize that their
objections to Fury Road are not mine. In fact,

Road Warrior didn't really bother to make any of the other characters important enough so while Max did just kind of stumble into their story it was different because the entire time the focus was on him, while in this movie it felt like they were trying to write a different movie and just inserted Max in there.

I'm not at all saying that women shouldn't be in the movie, what I am saying is that there should've been more focused on Max. We get a couple of flash backs but that's it, and since its a reboot with a newish origin story you would think that they would focus on Max more. But instead it appears more like Max is just

Mad Max is OVER FUCKING RATED!!!! Its not even about Max, its about a bunch of chicks who seem like they deserve their own movie and Max is just kinda there.

Happy to see that The Americans did so well, I'm pretty pumped about that next season and it really sucks that it doesn't get high ratings. I'm just hoping it doesn't get Contsantine'd.

I refuse to binge watch stuff and instead watch a bunch of shows, but only watch one episode of each, each week. It helps with pacing out the shows and stopping me from becoming burned out on one show.

I have watched THREE of these fucking shows (or should I say, three of these shows' 2015 season?), Flash, Daredevil, and Southpark. AV Club always makes me feel so damn behind in everything…

I think saying this year was, "the most good year for television in American history," is a bit presumptuous. Good year, for sure but Mad Men isn't even on TV anymore. Do the older decades count as great Television Decades even though they had less programs to fill?

"It’s a given that celebrities are superior to regular people in virtually every respect."

I actually thought season 5 was pretty weak and that this season was generally a lot better… and could actually be the best season of the new series. The only season I can remember with high quality stories as often is the first season with Christopher Eccelston, but its definitely debatable that this season was

This episode might be weak but this COMPLETELY changes the meaning of the conversation between the little vamp girl and John last week.

Did anyone else think Her was a bit overrated? I thought it was a decent movie but I felt it dragged near the end and tipped into the overly predictable "female robot gets jealous," deal.

I think this was a great time to put the movie out, as it came out just a couple days after the anniversary of the first Rocky movie. Whether that was intentional or not I'm not sure, but after watching the first Rocky and hearing such great things about this one I'm pretty pumped to see it.

Something that I thought that was interesting about the trip was Ash's own timeline. Evil Dead and Evil Dead took place in the early 80s, and in canon they happened in the same night. Then Ash got sent into Medevil times and came back to work for S-Mart. But Army of Darkness was made in 1993, so did Ash miss the

"Drinking at least one cup of coffee a day is also associated with a
significantly lower risk for suicide, which could either be because
coffee drinkers are more likely to be employed—giving them a reason to

Oh man, I missed them using Loose? It sounds like The Stooges is one of the few good things about this episode though…