Sebastian Howard

Jesus, you've never DONE ACID!??? Missing out man… anyway, this sounds fucking horrible but its in Brooklyn! Everything there is terrible!

Seriously though, what a dumb fucking thing to say. "This guy must be a complete idiot because he likes a comic arc that I consider bad." Not to mention that I commented on Max Carnage in like 2013.

AYE, I grew up with the Maximum Carnage video game and I know the comics are weak or whatever, but they're not TERRIBLE by any means. And the artwork was that mid-90s sloppy style that I really like. Yes, the Clone Saga sucked ass…. Max Carnage is more of a guilty pleasure than anything.

Yeah okay, if women don't want to date a guy who doesn't have money that's their deal. But the song was FUCKING CLEARLY ATTACKING THESE PEOPLE AND CALLING THEM LOSERS!!!!! THAT WAS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THE ARTICLE YOU GODDAMNED DOLT!!!! The song is literally saying that people without money are beneath them and

I completely agree with this guy, I just heard this song for the first time today and it is fucking MEAN and materialistic. I'm 19, going to college but don't have a job and constantly complain about how I'm not getting laid. Fuck, I LIVE WITH MY GRANDMA!!!!

Kyle… did you take some soma or something when watching Raw? I usually find your reviews on point, but this was one was almost sickeningly positive, looking at everything with rose colored glasses. Granted, I missed most of the show because after the Miz came out I decided to pop in Death Race 2000 instead, and the

Donkey Kong is WAYYY more influential than fucking Mario.

You mentioned the tiredness is reserved only for tired College students, BUT the first thing that pops into my head when I think of lack of sleep is Hunter S Thompson, with a head full of acid, up for three or four days straight driving around Las Vegas or typing furiously about Nixon, or Regan.

OF COURSE it was the wrong way, the entire thing was an endurance test and observations on what happened to the reviewer who suffered through the marathon.

"the greatest sports entertainer of his generation"

John Cena saying nigga jokingly to Vince WAS NOT FUCKING RACIST!!!! Its the same thing as jive talk in Airplane, it was Vince trying to be funny… it wasn't, but its not overly offensive either.



Where the fuck is Issues?

I think the commentary in Stopover in a Quiet Little Town, the end bit about drunk driving was a joke, not a serious statement.I kind've dug the relationship between the two also, they did seem kind of loving and had a sense of realism to them that most other Zone characters in relationships didn't have.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Fuck Grimm, Constantine is the shit. Even this review isn't too harsh on it, and a reviewer saying the second episode didn't live up to the promise doesn't equal the show being a "turd." I actually thought the episode, while being a bit too unscary, and not as dark as the other