
I got to thinking maybe she feels so awful about losing joint custody that it tarnished the relationship with Penny. That would explain the way she acted toward Penny; the relationship is the reason she no longer gets to be with her little girl as often. Like everything is just wrecked now.

I don't think she necessarily wanted it, but I think it would have been nice/considerate of Owen to ask, even if it has been a really long time.

I thought it was crazy that Callie threw in the towel without even trying a long-distance relationship. People succeed with that all the time. They go to college in different cities, one goes to the military and the other stays home. One person takes a job on contract somewhere else for six months or a year, and the

Owen should have asked Meredith if she maybe wanted the trailer back.

Ack. Yes. The use of the phrase here turned out to be a fine idea, in my opinion.

I always found the "in my opinion" judge to be annoying, so I cringed when I saw the instruction to add that phrase in the comments. However, it turned out to be a fine idea and has made me laugh numerous times.

I am still amazed that people still come here to comment about how they're amazed people still watch the show.

Wow, Alan Shore got married?!

It's like when there's an article in the paper about somebody getting arrested for stabbing a roommate with a kitchen knife, and the explanation is, "He took the last piece of pizza." You wonder what led up to this end-of-the-rope scenario.

It would be silly for Ben to be upset that Bailey earns more money since he walked away from a job that pays more than practically any other job in the hospital. She commented on this early on . . . "buckets of money."

I think Mark Sloan's friendship with Callie was valuable. When I rewatched the seasons nearly all the way through, in retrospect I found that relationship to actually be the one I miss most on Grey's. I'd rather keep Richard and Bailey (and her hot husband) while jettisoning some of the newer characters. Like what's

I cried when they were dancing, for a few reasons, and I was thinking, "shit, you got me again." Knowing how happy April and Jackson were and knowing what was going to happen. Also nearly everyone spontaneously joining in, with dancing being a common theme in this show, and it was such a sweet moment in this episode

I went "gulp" at the "Sloan is on a plane to Idaho" comment.

Why did AV Club stop reviewing Grey's anyway?

I actually had a boyfriend in college who made that exact choice for that exact reason.

There was a guy I was friends with who had a crush on me. He had my locker combination for some reason, like once maybe I had asked him to go get something from it for me. Some weeks later, he approached me in the hall before school one day, looking totally smug, and handed me a music book I'd had in the locker. He

I was thinking that this was Big Tasty's big moment, and where's his girlfriend? Then I thought, well, since The Goldbergs plays fast and loose with 1980s time, maybe she isn't his girlfriend yet. 'Cause we already did Top Gun and now we rewind back to a time when original Coke had to be hoarded. I got this covered.

Seems weird Laney wasn't in this episode.

I pray you are wrong too. That always wrecks sitcoms, doesn't it?

Yes, that was the song at the end of Season 2.