
Right. The twig sculptures represent Carosa and someone's exposure to the whole cult or practices.

" you see, it just one story"…

Those stick figures are really throwing me off.

I'm guessing he spent quite a bit of time going through those files and he never was never dedicated to the case before.


My episode grade: B
I thought Rust would've been in the area the whole 8 years he went missing though. I think the conversations between rust and Marty really made the episode since they are finally connecting and it seems genuine. In past years they were never on the same page because they both lived in their own

You think he's responsible for all of them? They've been ubiquitous throughout the season. Fontenau house, Ledoux compound. Possible though.

I agree. Hopefully it's not some Texas Chainsaw Massacre deal.

Your in Carcosa now. Good luck

Could be wrapped up in a blanket sleeping.

"Sheeiitt…" (While smoking a cig)

I'm thinking possibly Tommy Lee Jones next season…

What about the rich guys. 2 people mentioned that.

Maybe he had on ear muffs

Another great episode. I didn't feel to much of the eerie/ supernatural feeling to this episode but the Rust/Marty split storyline made up for hit.i kinda needed a little breather anyway after being driven insane all of last week from episode 5.

Marty: where's ginger?
Rust: he's in a ditch

I think they are still gonna show flashbacks of what Rust has found out probably through catching up conversations with Marty. I mean they have to. At least we know that Marty hasn't been helping out Rust over the years. What has Marty been doing? Just sulking through life lol?

True. But Marty's pretty fucking handy on the job. I mean who else could possibly be Cohles partner? I just can't see it. Marty lives in his own world too( mentally).

I agree. This show is good, really good. But on top of that it's just straight up badass.

He doesn't mind being the bad man that keeps other bad men away