

Yeah who knows…

Will Jorah Mormont head to the nights watch?

Yes he knows Tywin is dead and was heavily involved in getting tyrion out

Tropic thunder

Yara: We are going home

The force is strong with the Starks

That's huge!

No more " stated income" loans for Tywin.

Where is varys?

Stannis is a joke and has no biz trying to get tangled up in kings landing. Kinda loosing interest in greyjoy too with all this every other episode sitch.

I couldn't see shit…

I personally didn't notice it like others did. It's a definite possibility (albeit very risky) I mean why else would they make a scene where dantos gives her the necklace? We've seen one of stannis' men poisoned and bleed from his nose as well in a previous season. Let's see if any hound die next episode tho.

I'll have to watch it again. That's pretty shady

I didn't see anything missing. Watch it again.

If you don't mind me asking, what's up with you and Neds sword? I mean it was a dope sword but are the characters supposed to be puzzled?

I guess no one would know unless they asked Tywin where he got it.

On the opening cuts they showed the sword then first scene or opener Tywin is getting it melted down. Right?

I thought they said it was Eddards?

Bran is tapping into some gnarley shit…