
Yeah I doubt it. Seems like a tough case to sell to the Feds for some reason( in my opinion). But Rust for sure has gathered some evidence over the years.

Lange seems like a good guy just needs to get his act together and he'll do just fine

I can't believe these detectives are so far off. Asking the wrong questions, quick snapshot of Cohle, get these rookies off the case already. Not even in the same league as rust and Marty

I hope he utilizes his arsenal at some point in the next episodes. Also, the blow seemed to be pretty good.

Lange doesn't seem that sketchy to me. He's been cooperative.

First source of yellow king is in Dora langes diary

We'll they are getting covered up or brushed aside and people seem pretty casual about it

I actually just mistakenly dismissed that as nothing significant. But I think your right and these kind of molestations and killings are actually more or less accepted by this society.

I doubt Ledoux even killed Dora. But looks like he drugs them up and possibly hands them over.

Lol Marty

How exactly did that random guy who shot up the pharmacy meet the "yellow king"? Just a casual meeting or what?

Preview shows maggie being interviewed about Rust.

I wonder if that hooded group in that picture from episode 1 will come back into play at all?

Just joined. I give it his an A.
I'm pretty sure Cohle knows why he is being questioned hence "then start asking the right fucking questions". He seems more 'put together' in 2012 for sure. Leaning towards the scenario in which they were forced to pin the crime on someone else.
