
This is a good point and something that is so true about Farscape's characters. Even when they grow and change, they retain certain fundamental aspects of who they are.

Well said.


I'm with you, I loved PK Wars and thought it was a great wrap-up to the series. Maybe part of the reason is because I didn't expect it to be just like the show, with lots of time for character development, reactions,responses and nuances. I went in knowing it would be condensed and there would be stuff left out, but I

Well said. Stargate is definitely an NCIS sort of show. I've always found the writing and dialogue on Stargate to be really awful. Totally agree with you about Ben and Claudia. It's worth watching the two Stargate movies, Ark of Truth and Continuum, for them. They're given more to do, Ben has a great fight scene in

I had no idea that so many people disliked PK Wars. After binge watching the entire series, I immediately bought PKW on Amazon and then watched it as soon as it arrived. I really loved it right away and haven't loved it less since then, even though I have watched it a number of times. I can see how some of it feels

Both great points. I had the same reaction to the Crais thing. I had never thought of that before but it makes a lot of sense. If, in the end, he really does love Aeryn and really wants her to be happy and have a good life (a life he tried to take from her at one point) then it makes sense. He would want to help this

These types of movies are so perfectly calibrated and almost genetically engineered, in a way. They're designed to be the "perfect" easily digestible, anyone-can-understand-and-enjoy-it, money making summer blockbuster. As you say, complete with places for people to laugh at the jokes. They're designed for one thing,

Didn't mention this before but I have to agree with you wholeheartedly about the dialogue, which was really awful at times and heavily cliche-ridden, if not outright lazy.

Agreed, and I was just thinking the same thing, about whether or not there's been another similar alien seen on another show. Or, maybe more to the point, whether there's been one who was dealt in such a mature and real way. As Camaxtli mentioned, this type of alien was usually used for comic relief, as far as I can

True enough, it does have an important role to play and sets up what happens next. Truthfully, I don't mind admitting that I kind of love "Coup by Clam" even though the plot device is used again and arguably not for as good a reason.

As someone who has never read this comics, this was really interesting to read. I know you weren't aiming to necessarily support or validate what I said, but this information gives me even more reason to think the movie really simplified everything. As you point out, all of the depth and nuances of the characters was

Watching Yensch again just makes me dislike the episode even more. Or, more accurately, it makes me dislike all the stuff in the diner with the two blue guys. It's just me, I realize, but they are just too far on the wrong side of my tolerance for really annoying aliens who make really annoying noises. It's

I may tend to disagree with you slightly here. The reason Guardians is able to do all that is because the motivations, personalities, backstories and relationships just aren't that complex or complicated. They are simple and simplistic. But that's all they need to be and they serve their purpose.

Tyranno and Katherine make good points. There are definitely some parallels and things to notice if you're a Farscape fan (a bald blue alien! the hero has a plan that nobody thinks will work!) But, as was mentioned, G of the G really isn't very much like Farscape. I know I'm biased and all, but I'd say Farscape is far

After rewatching "Fractures" it may actually move way up on the list of favorite episodes. The first time I watched it, in the middle of binging and driving towards the end of season 3 very quickly and excitedly, I don't think I appreciated this episode as much as I do now. What occurred to me this time around is how

This is a really interesting way to look at it. And it makes total sense. In so many other shows, they bring in some random character who's basically unnecessary and serves little to no purpose other than to keep the leads apart. He/she just exists to give one of the leads another love interest and that's pretty much

She switched to doing mostly voice work. She did two seasons of Stargate, then it's pretty much voice work, with a few appearances for an episode or two in places like Dresden Files and Haven. As it has been discussed here and other places, it's strange and kind of unfortunate that she went that route and we didn't

There are so many levels and nuances to her performance, each one truthful and believable. And then she does the same thing, in a different way, with her other, different roles. I have truthfully stayed away from Stargate, a show I've never been able to get into, but maybe I'll just watch season s9 and 10.

Absolutely! She's definitely a character you love and love to hate. Her reactions and way of saying some of her one-liners are just perfect.