
Totally agree. And I didn't mean to imply that I thought my romantic idea there would work in all situations or with all people or even work reliably in the real world. I definitely agree that talking problems out is the way to go in most situations (speaking from the experience of having a ex-girlfriend who never

That's fair and valid, there's certainly enough lead up over a long enough period of time for them to have the foundation for a more "let's really hammer things out" kind of reunion. That's a great breakdown of their relationship elements, and those things that make their relationship so universal and human, something

I had no idea. I must investigate this soon. I hadn't even thought about a region-free DVD player. I may have to investigate that as well.


If Noranti had ever been in Scorpy's outfit, that might also have been unnerving.


I'm going to totally risk repeating myself here but I'm ok with that. "they both need to clear the debris off themselves and come back to each other when they're healthier and better able to communicate," is well put on your part.

Again well said with good points all around. I agree, there
is still romance here and something inherently romantic in the scene, which appeals to my inner hopeless romantic (more on that in a moment). I’m with you on wanting to give John some benefit of the doubt and be on his side, at least to some degree. He says in


That's a good way to describe John and Aeryn. John even says in one episode, something like, "we just never could figure out how to get our act together and make this work." It's the ongoing struggle that really takes them all the way to the very end of the series to figure out.

I think you're right about that being the only time it gets mentioned. It was arguably a weak storyline for her, just seemed kind of like "we need to just have Aeryn do something while she's away, something that sounds badass."

I'm mostly with you on Noranti, although I don't think I'd say I like her better than Zhaan, but I think Noranti is a fun character to have around.

Well said! I especially enjoy the idea that "he asked for calculus from someone who just learned geometry." It really is interesting just how much they are coming at this moment from two different places. John seems to want to just forget everything that has happened and go back to being the happy couple they maybe

That is one of the best commentary tracks, I think, of any episode. Also great are the tracks for "Bad Timing," "Jeremiah Crichton," "The Way We Weren't" and "Nerve" (I think that's the right one, the John in the Aurora Chair episode). She definitely was more central to the show in season 3, which was just one reason

Yes, absolutely. And it's something that John doesn't really acknowledge or realize, at least as far as we can tell. The fact that her needs must get top priority doesn't seem to dawn on him as he's too concerned with his own needs. You could argue the he's being…what…selfish?…insensitive?…immature?…something worse?

Yes! To all three (especially Cher)

SPOILERS CONTINUE…. Yes, agreed. I think the three episodes directly related to it, just before and during, are among the best of the entire series, and the rest of the season is pretty great.

That's well said and I hadn't really thought of that before. It's such a tough moment for the two of them and neither of them really knows how handle it. Aeyrn is so heart broken, and just broken in general, perhaps, that she just needs to get away, love or no love. John has never been in a situation like this before,

If you watch it and don't have some kind of emotional reaction or response to Pilot and/or Rygel you might not have a soul.

I would say that sound right. Although I can't help but wonder if the "big change-up" that you mention is the same thing that I'm thinking of. There's at least one or two options.