
Well said.

Agreed. "What Was Lost" is ok, but not great.

It's an interesting way to look at Noranti, is she ever really, actually, trying to help? Does she have some other kind of motive? Or is just doing things and never really thinking about the consequences one way or the other? Those questions could apply to much of what she does moving forward.

I believe, if I'm remembering correctly, that that story does get told in the comics, which are considered canon, apparently.

I may stand alone again, but I like "Twice Shy." And "Natural Election."

I hadn't heard that Claudia wanted time off, that's interesting and as you say, it's understandable. Her return was really not handled well, I think. Besides the fact that it just takes too long, the return episode isn't great and they never really get into what she's been doing. The first half of the season is

A couple of great points, or at least, points that I really agree with. There's no need to ever watch "Mental as Anything" again. The season, as you say, is kind of loose and free, which is one thing I really like about it. It has more of a freewheeling feel to it, an almost playfulness or sense of "ok, we're not

You're hired!

Completely agree. My only problem with that episode, really, is that it's a wasted opportunity, just for the reasons you mention.

That's a better way of saying what I tried to express above. There are some things that just suddenly happen that aren't as well thought-out or explained as they should be. Or don't make as much sense as they should.

I may disagree about "huge chunks" but there are some things that happen a little too easily, or happen all of a sudden and come out of nowhere or are resolved in a very haphazard way, not really given the resolution they deserve or need.

Both really good points. The start of season 4 is, I think, the biggest problem. As others have said it's a bit muddy and a little all over the place and takes a bit too long to really find its stride. Dog with Two Bones definitely does throw some new stuff into the stew and it's not all necessarily handled the best

Interesting to me that there's so much negative opinion about season 4. Interesting mainly cause being new to the show, I just never had the chance to discuss it with other fans before. I have to agree with Farsight here, though. Just in m y opinion, of course, I feel like 4 has some really good episodes, including

I am looking forward to it as well, especially since i just read your post below where you say you liked "Mental as Anything" (one of my votes for worst episode).

Great point.

I'm happy to come back when the reviews continue next year and be the one person who stands alone and says I didn't hate "A Perfect Murder" or "Coup by Clam."


Totally agree. It takes WAY too long to get the group all back together and isn't handled as well as we might have expected or wanted. I do like the early standalone episodes, for the most part, especially once Aeryn is back. "Lava" is especially perplexing, it just doesn't seem to have a purpose or need to exist.

That does make sense. I mean, in the other one, he's left there strapped to a table with his brain exposed and no ability to speak coherently, and no way to escape. And his girlfriend just died. But somehow, like you say, this one is more depressing. It may just be that the whole episode (teh whole season?) has been
