
Good points, well said. I hadn't thought about how subdued they are for much of the season, but it's true, they are very low key, almost "mellow" or "chill" for a lot of the time. The season as a whole has a lot of that feel running through it.

I realize this may be a big SPOILER but I couldn't help but think of the similarity with the end of Peacekeeper Wars. There's a similar situation where Stark is the one who shares a special, unique moment with John. Stark is the only character (other than Aeryn, who is also there) who has that kind of moment with John

Definitely a shame that she never had her own show or even a lead role, really, in another show (Stargate being more of an ensemble show).

No doubt about it.

That's a really good point. It's unclear just how long it is, exactly, at least as far as I can remember. Still, it's way shorter than the other Crichton gets. It also makes me think of the comparison between Talyn John in this two-part episode and the other John at the end of season 4. At the end of that season, and

After a rewatch of these two episodes, I'm still ok with being in the minority, at least as far as I can tell so far, judging from the comments. This two-parter is my least-favorite of the two-or-three-part episodes, probably among my least favorites of all the episodes in general, and I think it's for a number of

This post was a good reason to rewatch Meltdown, which, I suppose, is the whole point. Upon first viewing the episode, I was kind of annoyed with it, a little irritated. Looking back, I think it had to do with this "version," for lack of a better word, of John and Aeryn's relationship. There's something that felt