Get Schwifty

Michael, having a nice day directing and starring in your own crime drama? While the rest of us are busting our asses trying to deliver your mail?

Yeah it's called the Twilight Zone.

Wait the movie or the network? I'm equally impressed.

Awwww Yeah! You gotta Black Mirror! You gotta Black Mirror in here! It's time to Black Mirror!

Charlie Booker should just do one Black Mirror episode a month. It will allow the fans to appreciate the brilliance more.

Jon Hamm + Black Mirror = Gold, Jerry

I think he means S2:E3


"Please tell CNN and Anthony Bourdain that we will no longer be subjected to his Grand Guignol of gore, violence, cruelty and suffering of animals."

Seriously, if Laura Wade has watched several episodes of Parts Unknown and ONLY focused on the food prep, then she's watching it wrong.

Can we get a counter-petition to ask Laura Wade and her followers to shut the fuck up?

Erik Adams is right but he didn't go far enough. Watch any Kubrick trailer and you'll be impressed.

I knew Trump was trouble when he walked in!

Also people that read AV Club articles tend to be 15% fatter than those who don't based on something I think is true but I can't prove.

Turd Ferguson, it's a funny name!

In her defense, she was never a celebrity.

I'm seriously hoping for Frank the Tank to debate! That's how you do it! That's how you debate!

Wow and that's Roger Goodell saying that, ouch!

"And I'm Bill O'Reilly…Go fuck yourself Fox News Channel"

The Medicis send their regards!!!