Get Schwifty

Ryan Murphy is the Showtime of TV creators, he may take a good idea and a good first season then slowly but surely turn it into campy/hackneyed drek.

Episode 5 is a leap in terms of comedy but you're correct about Episode 8. However, there were little tidbits through Episodes 1-7 that led us to Episode 8.

…Or candy. Then again, I got hooked at Episode 2, Tobias' "Oh my God! We're having a fire…sale!", Gob attempting to throw the letter in the water and George Sr. yelling "No Touching!"

Amazon Prime now has all eight seasons, plus Two Day Free shipping.

If Party Down were still on Netflix, it would be 0.5, right about the point where Adam Scott says "Scrotum Phillips"

5. BoJack Horseman, Episode 5

Oh wow, thankfully it wasn't Season 5 of the Wire, lots of Kent Brockman, Scott Christian and Bumblebee man

Same with Season 3 of the Wire.

Thankfully he hasn't moved on to matrix algebra. That will look like a clusterfuck with Terrence Howard explaining it.

I think he can get Sean Penn to star in it!

PC Principal: 4 days detention for Sean Penn

Thanks, I had to look up Freepers. Now I'm informed.

Nothing like the opinions of a snotty Occu-tard!

Mark Cuban's "Apprentice Ripoff" show was terrible. Glad to see he's on Shark Tank filled with really great personalities.

Wrong again CNN, it was Jon Hamm PLAYING Lawrence Zarian!

Mark Hamill IS Nathan Detroit!
Pepper Steak IS the entree!

She used the Force to remember!

The naive answer would be that years are calculated differently on Alderaan and Tatooine due to the different orbits? and thus they would be different ages simply because of that. Leia might be x Alderaan years old and Luke may be y Tatooine years old and you would need some conversion table to determine who is older.

I never FELT prouder reading something.

One Million Moms think it's too racy = I'm seriously gonna watch the pilot now.