
Cool! I'll have to look into this, thanks for the link. His work on Cerebus was always fantastic.

Thanks for posting that link, it's been a while since I read these and I forgot that it's the Three Stooges that are prominently featured in Latter Days, and that's what I was thinking of. The Marx Brothers/Duck Soup stuff in High Society is great, as is pretty much everything from that volume!

I've read most of the 300 issues of Cerebus, with the exception of a chunk of the long text passages featured in the later collections, and a good portion of Dave Sim's insane essay rants. While the series starts out brilliantly, you can tell Sim is starting to lose it during the "Reads" arc. In his letter page rants

I finally got around to seeing it too, and was thinking the same thing with Pym's reference haha. It's a really fun movie that's full of great ideas, performances and effects that also manages to separate itself from the rest of the MCU pack.

I don't know if I'll make it out to see this movie, but I'm definitely inspired by these comments to break out my DVD copy of Fear Of A Black Hat to watch again!

Like what Arnold did in the original hopefully Lundgren will say some of his memorable catchphrases like "If he dies, he dies", "I will break you" and "You go… in pieces" to a classroom of kids!

It would be really dumb of Fox to hold onto the FF rights after this. The X-Franchise is all Fox needs, and it's really silly for Marvel to do the cosmic Infinity War thing without Silver Surfer and Galactus. It's enough time in the future before the Infinity War stuff wraps up that I could see it being a great way to

In retrospect I could have saved myself the $ I paid to see both mediocre FF movies in the 00s if I just realized watching this clip on youtube was all I needed instead: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

My family used to have an 80-lb. black standard poodle that was super smart and possibly evil. He knew how to work the automatic garage door opener, how to break into the food cabinets and cupboards, and no one could walk him but my dad because he tried to bite everybody else.

Blade was the rescue boat that saved Marvel from totally going under financially, which allowed X-Men and Spider-Man to be released, bring them back from the brink and begin the superhero trend. Of those three I'd say Spider-Man is probably the most "superhero" of the movies and kicked off the 00's superhero movie

Yeah, I think the thing that frustrates me about Rocky V is how awkward an entry it is in the series that doesn't flow with the others. Rocky's kid is all of a sudden a teenager, they are impoverished right off the bat, Rocky can't box any more, the very silly 90's hip hop score. How long were they in Russia?

Yeah, it's really annoying because I got the impression that the vampire infestation was supposed to be a major deal last season, like at least a state of emergency situation. This season it just looks like everyone is going about their day to day lives, buses are running, people are walking around Times Square.

Yeah, like many writers Bukowski was great at embellishing his seedy exploits. While I don't doubt that he spent a lot of time carousing in bars he definitely had some stability for a good portion of his life. I remember reading South Of No North in college and thinking "This guy probably didn't even make it to his

Yeah, most of the 90's. When creative talent was jumping ship from Marvel and DC it even got to the point where people were reading pretty terrible comics just for their dedication to the characters.

If this data is to be believed then it's crazy to think what a 180 the industry has taken from the very pro-artist '90s. In those days guys like Chris Claremont, who had been writing X-Titles for decades, were being snubbed by Marvel editorial for the questionable creative decisions of relatively new hotshot artists

Great article, I remember endlessly playing Ninja Gaiden 2 in my youth and I think a lot of that was how the game incorporated comic book imagery into the cut scenes. I also remember reading the Nintendo Power coverage of the game which featured a lot of comic book sequences, especially in the strategy guide. It made

This is such a fantastic series, both the comic and the animated show. It's kind of amazing how ahead of the game Sam Kieth was when he created it, considering how Image at the time was pretty much just churning out boatloads of team comics about people on steroids and wearing clothes with lots of patches. Now The

I have watched this movie at least once a year for over 30 years, and there's still new stuff to laugh at every time I watch it.

If they use the Motorhead song "Iron Fist" as the theme song for the Iron First series I'm already on board.

I love Star Wars Minute, but seeing how they're definitely not into Return of the Jedi I can't really see them being able to tackle the prequels minute by minute, unless they maybe do a few live shows or two-parters for each.