Saul Goodman

Is this like the PC world judging Game of Thrones? Yes there is rape, no rape is not glamorized but it happens.

No murder is ok but rape is….wait…what?

Probably a good way to end this discussion you attack my grammar and ignore the falsities of BLM protests. I'm not trying to change your mind just trying to show you there's another side but you're fine you're fine

You were probably one of those that thought Zimmerman should go to trial. You are probably also one of those that thought Michael Brown was a good boy, then you saw the video of the strong arm robbery and heard the witness testimonies. You probably are also one of those that thought the police choked Eric Garner to

Your post didn't enlighten anybody to anything. So keep on being a sheep doesn't bother me just trying to help you keep up.

What ever. They still couldn't get nothing on Zimmy and boy did they ever try, used the full power of the government, and still nada. Look nobody's happy Martin was killed but most are happy that a person that was assaulted was able to legally defend himself. The race baiters and even the president tried to make it

I don't think they are terrorists. I do think they are blinded by the thought that they feel a black life is more important than any other life.

OJ was later found guilty of causing his ex wife's and Ronald Goldman's death in civil court. The department of justice spearheaded by your president couldn't even find that Zimmy violated TM's civil rights.

Do try and keep up. QT had to clarify his comments because he was so vague and Zimmerman was found not guilty of what you accuse him of. Do try and keep up

I haven't been killed yet so I guess I'm not that stupid ;-)

Yea but still if he is vague then it can incite people against all policeman. For example the Cop that shot Michael Brown was not a murderer but people still call him that. Zimmy was not a murderer but people still call him that. Catch my drift.?

I guess to avoid all this he should have mentioned that there are many good cops and he is just protesting about the bad apples of which there are very few. I guess the BLM and this Tarantino fella didn't think of that before they started flapping their gums.

anything higher than 1/10 of 1 percent is a problem

Famous last things heard "the gun is probably a toy" bang bang he shot me down, bang bang I hit the ground, bang bang that awful sound.

So you don't know how many incidents yet you say that clearly there has to be a serious problem. That's called too much Twitter, too much Facebook and too much mainstream media. The Media is blowing this up. Get with it guy!

I say make a big deal out of the use of excessive force but I also say it is not as common as people are leading us to believe. As far as people shooting Cops while they sit in their car, yes that is rare but it extends to every second they are in uniform. This type of disrespect, painting all cops with a broad brush

Only if you don't want to understand it.

It's all good man.

excessively rarely? That may be an oxymoron. I say investigate and prosecute the excessive force but they are rare compared to the number of interactions on a daily, yearly basis. Thats all I'm saying.

Please, please stop replying to my comments. Im trying to go to sleep.