Saul Goodman

Perspective? perspective? Put Three Hundred Twenty Million people in perspective. Imagine the yearly interactions the police have with the public. Now look up the word rampant.

Maybe not the sole deciding factor but it could easily be part of the building blocks towards that type of violent behavior towards police officers and it surely wouldnt dissuade a psyco killer from doing something like that.

He will backtrack on his comments and apologize as he should.

See that's where you're misguided. Nobody says its ok, infact the cases should be investigated, and if necessary prosecuted. Its just not rampant like the community agitators claim and its wrong to call "the police" as a group murderous without also stating the majority are not so.

Yea just because my opinion is different than yours, you label me a troll.

Who said I was agrivated?

I guess when Tarantino apologies then you defenders of him will take your balls and go home.

Im with the police, there are a lot of law abiding citizens with the police on this. I will join the boycott.

I thought they were arresting him for the umpteenth time and he didn't want go so he resisted, then had a heart attck while struggling. Sad but if he placed his hands behind his back for breaking the law he would still be selling cigarettes on a street corner somewhere.

Don't forget, there is always somebody on the Internet that is better informed than you.

Come on that was so easy and fun.

You're wrong on this, Tarantino needs to be clear on this because his statements put good honest cops in danger. He will apologize but personally I will boycott him for being such a tool.

I agree. It starts with the Parents. Parents need to be aware of the dangers of people calling the police because someone is pointing a gun. This has to stop.

Well Bath House Dagoth, we would like to see the selfi of you doing so.

Dude don't be a tool. The issue isn't handling critisim The issue is this unsubstantiated critisim makes the job more dangerous for the police. We are talking about crazies walking up and shooting cops in thier car. Hello? Anybody home?

Bottom line, it is a very dangerous job and Cops have a problem with people whining and crying that Cops are murderers. It only makes it more dangerous for them. Yes sometimes things happen and those things need to be addressed and dealt with. There are THREE HUNDRED TWENTY MILLION people in this country. Do you know

He needs to be specific about cases or he is painting the polices with a broad brush. He will apologize but I think the damage has been done. He will apologize. Believe that.

Keep in mind the police were called that there was somebody pointing a gun at others in a public place so then there is that.

In this day and age the stupid thing is to have a toy gun, go to a public place with it and point it at people. The police WILL BE CALLED and they DO NOT know what is up. They just SEE A GUN. Parents Please don't give your kids toy guns.

Yea some people just jump on the police for anything and everything. There are cases of police brutality and they do get prosecuted. This smoke and mirror movement is unfair to the majority of peace officers.