Princess Miagky

I missed the real Scathath-where did it appear? Was it the giant hog?


Late to the party-I was traveling, watched it at my hotel Weds. I thought it was torture porn, and was glad to see the series end. Then I saw the previews for next week, and I can't wait. I'm intrigued by the way we keep seeing different incarnations of characters: the real Matt, Shelby and Lee; the actor versions

I agree. I'm rooting for her, murderess or not. And I cheered when she caved in that old woman's head.

That, and her compassion for Shelby. In the first "episode" of Return to Roanoke, she treats Shelby like a specimen, saying she nailed her "pathetic" demeanor. After escaping the Polks and finding Shelby's body, she cries for her and calls her "poor Shelby".

I like your attitude.

Even if you were starving in the apocalypse? Rick and the gang ate feral dogs that tried to attack them a few seasons back.

Why didn't anyone have a car?

I'm involved in this season and especially these characters in a way I don't think I've ever been. When I realized they were found a reality show within a reality show, I sighed, thinking it would be all self-referential and winking. But then shit got real. When Matt and Shelby and Lee were yelling at each other,

Thank you! I have a hard time hearing a lot of dialogue on AHS, and have gotten used to missing a few things every episode.

Wow! I didn't know the history of sexual harassment law was so complex. Good for Eleanor Holmes Norton for getting it passed.

More than $49.95—in Leah Remini's Troublemaker, she said they not only nickel-and-dimed poor members into debt, and showed them how they could get credit increases to go into more debt, they dunned celebrity members—like her—for 10's, 100's, even millions of dollars for "charities", payment for so-called sins, etc.

Don't know why she couldn't go after them for sexual harassment—except, it was probably the 60's-70's and she would have been told it's all just a "joke", why don't you lighten up, etc.

Dan, Tammy, Savory, Nick—I concur with all of you. I quite liked this episode also, even with the too brief appearances of some characters, like Queenie and Ramona. I think Gaga has improved over time. The idea of being trapped for eternity with someone you don't love is a kind of hell, which was also brought up in

The way Liz's kimono billowed out when they dragged Donovan to the street reminded me of a superhero's cape. That probably wasn't intentional.

I completely missed that tidbit about Sally. I wonder how the drillbit monster fits into all this. It seems linked to Sally, somehow—maybe it's the one that will "never leave". If they were going to have this character show up, they should have given some explanation for it.

All of the ghosts in AHS are solid and animated, and can do anything living humans do: have sex, kill, father children (Murder House); plus, they have "ghost powers"—they can appear and disappear at will. The only drawback to being a ghost, it seems, is that you are confined to where you died, except on Halloween

Also, I missed the shot of the ghoul stroking Sally's hair—maybe she's the one who's really damned. The other ghosts/vamps/whatever seem to have found something to make them happy, or some semblance of it.

I hadn't thought of the little vamps becoming Ramona's personal brood—the "appetizers" line fooled me.

Maybe one of the themes this season is who or what you love most, and what you do when you can't have it. Iris says she loved Donovan most, and is ready to commit suicide when she realizes he'll never love her. Tristan was the love of Liz's life, and she is also willing to die rather than live without him.