Princess Miagky

However, when Bryan mused, "I wonder if I've got a wife out there" as he was cuddling naked with Mia post-sex, it made me chuckle.

It’s a shame how quickly the writers turned Nathalie Raven from intriguingly creepy to the same level of homicidal as everyone else…

B or not, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I loved seeing one of the bad guys get it from his intended victims. I hope Sy wakes from his coma: he may not be too bright, but he's decent. Didn't make the Big Lebowski connection from the bowling alley, but thanks for pointing it out.

I read Sex with Kings, and wondered what Herman would say about Charles and Camilla's marriage and her prospects of being queen, as historically, the populace was unsympathetic to mistresses who were elevated to queen. It's a very different era: maybe Camilla would be a popular queen.

I thought about Feud while reading about the recent death of Erin Moran at 56 years old. She was only 22 when Happy Days ended, but there were no offers for her, even after being in a hit tv show. It isn't just aging actresses who are cast aside.

Such an appropriate song.

Last thing:) Loved the clothes in this episode. That crimson velvet dress with the cream skirt Bette wore in the interview: I crave it. Also love Joan's pink nightgown, and her green silk tunic. And all of Pauline's suits. It was a shitty era to be anything but a white, straight man, but the clothes were good.

Loved this episode!!! I can't say enough good things about it. Mamacita and Pauline both are stars here as well. Mamacita might not be able to take advantage of America's promise to be whoever you want to be, but she wants others to be able to do it. Sadly, how typical of some women of that era that Joan discounts

I wanted to post this last week after "Mommie Dearest", but couldn't sign in on Disqus. It's a Vanity Fair article on BD Merrill's book and some of the "real story" behind Feud.

Wonder if KFC still serves fried chicken livers? Haven't been there in probably 10 years, as I seldom eat meat anymore.

Thanks! I'm so looking forward to "Mommie Dearest"!

There has already been a "feud" TV movie about Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons: "Malice in Wonderland" (1985) starring Elizabeth Taylor as Louella and Jane Alexander as Hedda. It was excellent. Hedda was a failed actress who gave insider's tips to Louella which she used in her articles, and she rewarded Hedda by

Late to the party, but this occurred to me yesterday. I wonder if there was supposed to be a parallel between the blondes in the red dresses insulting the aging stars: the unnamed starlet, who maybe obliviously insulted Joan and was ogled by the film crew, and BD, who was flirting with the film crew and sneered at


Just want to say, I love this and am looking forward to each new installment. Not enthused about seeing Princess Di and Prince Charles next season, but who knows what Murphy will do with it? Maybe he can even work Will and Kate in as children.

And blackmailing Crawford into saying something derogatory about Marilyn Monroe (which she did say IRL), by threatening to write that she was drunk at the Golden Globes.

Her obsession with a perfect image had to be where she came from: she really did grow up in squalor, as "Olivia de Havilland" said. Joan had a big wardrobe, and I read a quote from that clothes are your friends: I think she meant that a good outfit can help you project the image you want to convey, and help you be

Interesting point. Maybe it was all the booze and cigarettes?

This sounds wonderful! I'd like to work for this company for a year just to participate in the GOT and party.

That's why I thought it was torture porn. I know a lot of people all over the world blunder or wander into the wrong place at the wrong time and are murdered, and sometimes, their killers are never caught or punished. But I didn't want to see a bunch of dumb kids get slaughtered.