Princess Miagky

I somehow missed the "unfinished business" part. I assumed the elderly couple who killed themselves in the first part would wind up together in the hotel forever, but maybe not: they finished their business.

Interesting idea. When the Countess discovered the vault and was peering into it with Iris, I thought at first it was Alex, imitating the Countess. She's already wearing one of the Countesses' old gowns as a "uniform".

Well, he was going to starve anyway; she probably figured she might as well feed while he was still juicy. Maybe she's counting on the Countess bringing her more victims—and trying to escape when she does. I'm still hoping Ramona gets to play a bigger part than she has so far.

Servants see every side of the imperious, the wealthy, the unwitting. Miss Evers,
Liz Taylor, and Iris know The Countess as well as anyone could, and they know
the simplest reason for revenge: love snatched away by someone who takes a lover or a life as lightly as a paying customer soils a pillowcase or demands

Thanks—I missed that.

Also, whatever happened to the "thing in room 33", presumably the drill bit monster? The show seems to have forgotten it.

Also, giving her blood to the child with measles, even if she believed it would cure him, constituted experimenting on a patient. Highly unethical, shitty doctor.

But, like I posted earlier, if he's still alive he should be elderly—in his 70's-80's. He doesn't look a day older in 2015 than he did in 1984.

Dennis O'Hare is great in every scene he's in, but there's one aspect of his story I don't understand: he said he wasn't infected with the vampire virus, but he doesn't look any older in 2015 than he did in 1984, so he must be some kind of undead or immortal creature.

Carol was amazing.

If you can make them tell you anything. The wolves seem crazy enough that they might not speak, even under torture; or just make something up to confuse their enemies.


In addition to guilt over killing Sembene, I thought Ethan turned himself in to Scotland Yard for hanging to free Vanessa.

Maybe Sembene will come back next season, in another form. He was one of my favorite characters, and I was looking forward to learning more of his history.

It was shocking to see Lavinia suddenly turn on John: she had seemed like a nice character, who might be a friend to John because she couldn't see him.

I wonder if Victor will wind up going to the arctic to go "cold turkey", and wind up confronting the creature there, in a callback to the novel's finale.

I don't think ER was good in this. I could never believe what she was supposed to be playing. It was like watching Madison Montgomery in period dress.
Looking forward to S5!

I thought their reaction was cold. Even if they didn't like her, she died a horrible death.