
Oh I see, thanks. I'm not American so I don't know much about how it works, but I do remember Fitz is a Republican and he ultimately came out in the regular timeline.

The book is terrible, but the EP and the actors swear the show will be different so I'm waiting.

I finally watched the episode and I found it really interesting. Just like Sliding Doors, it ends with most characters (the main ones at least) in roughly the same position as they were in real life, but the ways they take to get there are kind of fascinating. Quinn was quite funny and her story made me think of how

He's never attracted to her. He's just refusing to come out.

I know! I found out browsing tumblr I think, apparently the character was killed off precisely because the actor was no longer persona grata around there.

Yes, I saw the angle after watching and it makes sense now.

It happens, yes. Too busy and curious.

I haven't seen this yet and I can't wait to. But Mellie ending up married to Cyrus feels like such a stretch. Why didn't Cy come out anyway?

I suspect they wouldn't want the Harrison actor back because he beat his wife.

"What'a Renaissance for car accident?"
"Let's have a loose horse hit her!"

Yeah there's so much to discuss both in terms of good the show is or isn't and what it's trying to say. Especially since there are so many characters and their responsibilities are so different it would be nice to discuss them one at a time but at this point I agree, we're approaching one week since the release and if

It's almost funny how he acts like that didn't depend on him. It reminded me of when in the book he smashed hear head against the wall but then took some days off work to take care of her "until she felt better", as if he hadn't caused the thing in the first place. I think he genuinely dissociates but it's still

I agree. He was very clumsy but he did try to do his job. Hannah's rendering of the rape was weird too, I mean why didn't she say that she tried to stop Bryce? Because she did, so why not say it? It made it look like consensual sex she regretted. Obviously he's the adult and the counselor and he should have done

I'm not sure, usually the full season reviews are just reviews of the first six episodes available for critics. I don't know about this though and I wouldn't mind individual discussions.

I have to say it might be because I'm a good 10 years older than the characters now but the show didn't come across as a glamourization of suicide to me. You just feel sorry for everyone, for all that wasted beauty. You wonder what could have been different. Most of the "13 reasons" Hannah accuses (is she accusing

From what they say in a bts thingy after the show, he felt guilty. Which also kind of adds to Hannah's character, really. As a former bullied teen ager I feel for the girl, but I have to say the character has a special talent to push people away that's… A lot. Some things that happen to her are really horrific, but

I thought so too. I don't know about the book really, I'm not sure what the intention was there, but the show made it look like it wasn't so much about what would be revealed but how the reveal would come. Still, maybe if the mystery wasn't meant as such it would have been better to just say who died from the start

When Ed goes to talk to her at her yoga class she says something like they all went through stuff, he asks what she means but she replies it's nothing.

Book!Ed is older, bald, very funny honest to a fault and a journalist, he had really little in common with its tv counterpart. To be fair to him though, I found tv!Ed to be a little passive aggressive but not as suspicious as many people seem to see him.

Yeah the book's reveal was fine but it would have been too much dialogue and the show has always been very subtle. I think maybe we could have used some more info about Bonnie, if not in this ep perhaps in another. I understand that there was a hint but it was weeks ago and people may easily have forgotten or not