
Black Widow and Hulk is just a giant WTF within the MCU. Like I genuinely don't know who thought it was a good idea.
The show… Part of me would want a different showrunner, another part of me however thinks that the back half is good, almost perfect, the way it is. There should be more stuntmen and maybe a more

I'll stop here because it's a nice one and we'll agree to disagree (on Danny, not on the puppy thing).

Okay without spoiling too much I can definitely tell you there's going to be way more Claire and way less Danny and Joy talking about anything (at least to each other, individually they will keep talking but in fairness they can't avoid that)

Short answer to your question: yes. At best you'll see it gets better, at the very worst you'll live up to your nickname.

Which wouldn't be malice? Okay.

Sounds fair. In my heart of hearts I think Jones simply meant there's a rejection of white men in general, but he wanted to give it a noble reason and what's more noble than opposing Trump?

Apart from being a racially uncomfortable but technically good movie, DS is led by some good ass actors with very neat intellectual auras. It wasn't as universally praised as we believe, but there's no denying it's visually stunning. Plus again, Swinton did take a whitewashed role but who dared suggest that she stole

Guys, I'm not advocating for a white Iron Fist nor am I saying the IF we got is perfect.
I'm simply saying there's a huge role played by the casting controversy in the early reception of the show and part of it is sticking because I definitely can't see critics writing "ooops I might have been too harsh" at this

I'm also a girl and I did. A friend of mine even said Henwick can't act. So it seems like we're witnessing something that gets different reactions like everything else. It's entirely fine.
It's the idea that a woman of colour is somewhat "ruined" by falling in love with a white guy or a badass female character is

I only meant that while the discourse isn't rooted in the same socio-political asset as it is in America, it is here. Partly because everything that's in America is told everywhere, so we sort of have to learn about it. Plus America sucks at representing cultures as well as races, so whenever Italy and Italians are in

First off, seems to me Trump did have an agenda in getting elected, and we all see that because that agenda is now being shown to the world and it sucks.
Now, what did Jones say? That he's playing a white billionaire in a very precise historic time where a white billionaire is the worstTM and has just gotten elected

Guys, it's ultimately fine by me if you see malice there, it just so happens that there isn't. I don't even think Danny intellectually gets to such a level of doucheness.

I totally agree. And I too at one point had forgotten we were in NY, luckily there was a scene towards the end that reminded me of that. It also happened to be one of the show's finest.

Asians exist in Italy (a close friend of mine being one) and so does an understanding of stereotypes, racism and representation. We might not have a (correct me if I'm wrong) 5% of Asians overall, but the Chinese community in cities like Prato are quite large, making more than 6% of its population.
But you're actually

Well, wait. From anybody else it would have an uncomfortable "I own you" undertone. From Danny's perspective, he's super happy about having solved her rent problem.

I'll agree more time would have served the show. Finn Jones even said he'd have to learn fight choreography about 15 minutes before filming, which is absolutely insane. No wonder the final results usually don't work. I think there's something lacking in terms of cinematography as well, I just don't see much of an

The reviews still mention the casting controversies because they factor into their grades. I'm sorry, it's just true. I just read one on Forbes this morning that literally said they couldn't give a good grade to the show that had cast a white guy as the lead.
Meanwhile I live in Italy and reviews here are nowhere as

I think that depends on whether you mean from the fanbase or the critics. Doctor Strange and its cast are still dragged by a certain part of the Marvel fandom, the critics are different because what critic would say a word against Cumberbatch, Swinton and Mikkelsen?
Finn Jones, on the other hand, who cares. He's a mr.

I'm pretty sure that originated everything. Most reviews don't even try to hide it, to their credit.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks people are exaggerating with that "Gee, let it go" attitude. I mean that's a pretty atrocious way to lose someone at the tender age of ten. Like guys, do you have a heart? Catholic religion also wants you to accept shit as the will of God but I'm pretty sure few of us do that.