
I'm not sure spending your formative years cut off from the world will make you a fully formed adult in terms of social interactions just because you presumably had time to elaborate your parents' traumatic death while also adjusting to a culture completely different than yours and apparently dealing with abusive

My idea is she'll actually close the thing being like, make way losers, I'm gonna become a superhero myself. I seriously believe that's what's in store for her.

I hope they find a way to get them all in their costumes or something that looks like them anyway. One thing I love about the Avengers franchise is those colourful shots with all of them in their full attires. Jessica's costume is definitely ridiculously out of character for her tv self but hopefully she can wear

She lacks the money, he has the money. In his head he's doing her a favour. We know the implications but he's not doing it so that he'll own her or she'll owe him or anything, which is why when she learns about it she looks like she wants to punch him in his pretty face but doesn't. I'm not sure why we'd have to see

I sometimes (okay, often) think all four shows and The Defenders are somehow a big origin story for a future Night Nurse show/movie or something. It's not that I want to dismiss Claire's importance, we all love her, but why else add a character that seems to have no other purpose than tying these shows together?

I'd say that secondary role is perhaps the most needed from the audience's pov, because it grounds all these shows. Sure they starts off from a pretty realistic setting but once you hear of super senses and unbreakable skins and iron punches you really need someone in there being like, seriously?

Right? The whole point of him is he does things he shouldn't but he means well.

Upvoting for your last observation, I thought I was the only one who didn't find that line odd at all.

No, I know what her approach is because she explained it. I just mean she might have gotten into this with an idea of it, possibly based on early reviews and the casting drama, and some of what she sees might be changing it a bit.

Well he's a billionaire with his face on tv and magazines so he'd probably hide from the rest of the world. Which is why I find it weird that he doesn't at least try to cover his hair this season.

Hopefully once he gets his costume and his stuntman does most of the work more those scenes witll start to improve.

It kind of feels like she didn't want to, but she is. I'm not trying to be rude or judgy or anything, just noticing. There's a sense of her being like, "I'm gonna start by saying that this show sucks, lulz, however…."

I remember watching the first two episodes and thinking "This is all very nice but I'm not here for the Meachum's drama". So props to writers and actors for managing to make them grow on me along with many aspects of the show in general. Ward in particular sort of becomes a favourite of mine.

I don't want to get into the racial implications here, however doesn't he talk to her about kung fu and doesn't she teach karate? It is my understanding that there isn't just one martial art in the history of the world that every Asian person knows by default so that scene doesn't sound all that offensive to me. Plus

Yup, there's not denying it took its time.

You know what, you're probably right. My making heart eyes at those two dorks might have blinded my judgement.

I don't know, I wouldn't see all those layers there. Danny has no idea of what's proper and what isn't and Colleen calls him out most of the times but she also knows he's not dangerous and he's acting in good faith. And in the end of the day they're both young and they have a sweet chemistry so that sort of outweighs

Omg I'd love that. Where do we sign?

I think his origin is different though. Danny starts the show by already being the Iron Fist, the point is whether or not he deserves or is fully able to be.

My first impression was she saw the two liked each other but she thought Colleen would kick Danny out because of her so she just made a show of how she wouldn't mind interrupting their lesson. It's totally possible that your reading of the scene is right, however IDK, judging by their faces I would found it a little