
Episode: B+
Claire Temple's reaction shots: A

That was really the first moment where I started to sympathize with him. He needs a vaycay.

Yeah, it's not like women (myself included) are ever giddy especially when they're young and are developing a crush. Oh wait…

Can't wait to see that!

Hey, turns out critics do associate Danny to Trump so people can stop laughing at Finn Jones for saying that.

Everything about the Hand in DD2 was borderline unwatchable.

I mean, that's crazy. It's not like this very review just did exactly that…. Oh.

While watching I thought she didn't shoot him because he turned out not to sound nor smell like him, but what came after felt like we were supposed to wonder. But then again I was so taken with Celeste's story that maybe I didn't pay enough attention.

It was probably natural for our minds to go there, but he mentioned last week it was due to stress. Which he attributed to work, but it's entirely possible that he provoked it, I'm not saying through violence, but by just being so damn possessive and creepy a lot of the time. It would be interesting to know when the

The way I see it they kind of "thought" they did admit to him doing it, only they implied it instead of saying it and hoped it wouldn't be brought up ever since.

I'm so freaked and shaken. I think what's really strong and brave in the writing here is how it shows Perry as affectionate and funny as well as shitty and abusive. It sort of helps you get into Celeste's head and explains why it's so hard for her to let go, and both sides of him were never exposed as poignantly and

Normally I would agree because like we keep saying 8 to 10 episodes would be perfect but The Defenders will feature so many characters! What if they mess it up?

I'm almost finished but it really doesn't feel like there's more than there should be? Especially since it's mostly intertwined with the main plot. I mean it's a fairly large cast and they've got to do something with their time.

It's only the twentieth time I read this these days but you all keep saying it, maybe it'll be funny again at some point.

I don't know where you got so far but you might find, as I am now, that Jones gets to convey Danny's lost boy-ness very well. Which isn't to say that someone else wouldn't, I'm just having a hard time understanding what's so terrible about his performance.

I feel you, also where was the infamous endless corporate drama? Like, the guy claims his rights to a billionaire firm and people are unsure who he is. What we saw was the minimum. What did critics want, some hugs and immediate, warm surrender?

Yeah it's frustrating. I appreciate the idea of making a show about a young Renaissance queen but as far as young Renaissance queens go Mary was a weird one to pick, especially if one wants to explore girl power and proto-feminism. Sure, there might be something compelling to a woman wanting it all (as in private

No spoilers but I'm on episode 9 and it gets so much better, I should be studying but I can't stop watching.

Well real life counterparts are different, she was definitely impulsive. Also she married him because she wanted England, plain and simple, no revenge for dead LIW there. But the show wants her to pass for strong independent blablah, so we're gonna have to pretend that we buy it. I kind of learned to live with the

Man that would be such an idea.