
Me too! All the parallels - Catherine and Narcisse are just made for each other.

So, since Leith is now kinda single and Greer is now kinda single (even as a shipper I like how that's playing out, I was afraid she would cheat on her traumatized husband with prince Henry Cavill-ish) does this mean they'll reunite?

You don't seem to be alone, it has a five star rating on Netflix.

I've read some of them, not every single one though because I lost track. I'm glad to learn that he noticed because it was really uncomfortable to watch (definitely more than a white guy talking about kung fu to an Asian girl that teaches katana) but I kept seeing four and five stars and high praises everywhere.

I feel the same. It's a rich cast and I get it but I'd rather watch episodes with a main plot and subplots. Not seeing Mellie or even Fitz in entire episodes is just odd.

I agree that would have been the sensible thing to do but for some reason they decided they wouldn't. Which is strange because apparently Bellamy was literally cast to play the first divorced first lady in history after a few episodes but then they just refused to go through with that divorce for 5 seasons. I'm not

A woman is raped, she reacts to it. You make her reaction about her husband as opposed to her, as if her being raped is just a detail. Of course he could have divorced her, but how is that the point? It shows what a great person he is because he has feelings too? I never said he didn't. Still not the point. Mellie

I agree, it was a bit too much. I'd rather see her in politics for a while and then get to watch a real campaign. And it's probably happening because now that they're so sure she's getting elected we can in turn be sure that she's not.

Grey's is amazingly diverse all the same though and Cristina was a fantastic character. I don't know about the Catch because I didn't even get through the pilot, it felt like Grey's meets Scandal and I found it just bland. Still, that Romeo and Juliet thing they're doing has a black girl as lead, a black girl playing

So many are saying that Sandra was just a plot device to make us feel for papa Pope and to an extent it's true, on the other hand though I never saw him as completely ruthless or heartless (annoyingly prone to monologue, yes, but not completely heartless), it's just that we sort of never saw his pov. So this was a lot

Yeah that might be true. I actually read somewhere that politics really is based on blackmail.

Well that was ages ago but I see your point. She's a good person, she's just complicated.

Everything about this show has been blown out of proportion. Four episodes in and I find it perfectly fine. Slow, yes, so were the other show. Asian villains, sure, Daredevil had those too and no critic complained. Thing is, IF isn't meant to compete with Daredevil. Their characters and spirits are completely

I think they're fine with being on a prime time show to begin with but I get what you mean. Mostly because they're usually pretty minor characters, although that Romeo and Juliet thing they're doing has a black female lead and she plays a Renaissance noblewoman. It's pretty huge. Kerry is almost better off with Olivia

I would have given this a B- too.

"Luke Cage is…mostly just really annoyed."

Mahershala Ali once said that what changed about superhero stories now is exactly the villains, as in they're better now, more fleshed out. I'm not quite sure we need shows with villains as leads, but they're definitely being the highlight of the ones we have now and it would be better not to kill them off right away

Sorry, I just can't take you seriously as you blame a rape victim for supposedly making her husband's life impossible by daring to refuse to have sex. Even Fitz had the decency not to do that.
I'm ready to call her out on every wrong thing she did, but that one's too much.

Re: the "simple and straightforward character" thing, I think it might be exactly what he is. I have no knowledge of the comics (I'd had of none of them except Daredevil) but all that criticism I read about Danny having no charisma/believability as a hero is falling flat for me because I feel like the character is

That's so weird.