
It also just comes across as so condescending. Maybe it wasn't their intention this particular time although I don't see why else you'd say such a thing but even so, what does that generally mean? "I'm so much smarter than u lol, but I'm still coming over and spend one minute of my precious time mocking you people"?

I'd be bored after six years of cases of the week but it might be just me. I still enjoy when OPA have one, I just don't need them to be there weekly. And yes serial case may be the right expression, I mean a main plot that develops throughout the season as opposed to being done with in a single episode and I guess we

First 15 minutes dragged forever, but I liked the rest of it. Not Daredevil-good, but not as bad as I've been reading.

Exactly. Also Shonda tends to cast black women whenever her shows introduce females in a position of power and it felt off right away that this one would be white, I couldn't tell why yet. At first I thought it was because Jeff Perry's daughter just happened to be free, but now pieces are sort of coming together.

Thank you! I was missing the black men part in my research.

You didn't get the Coolio thing either? I was hoping someone would explain it to me because Urban Dictionary didn't help me on this one.

I have no problem with long comments, in fact I love them. And we actually agree about this one so I don't have much to object. I mean I don't think what Mellie did there made her unlikable but I won't object that other things might. I just happen to like her all the same, but then again I don't truly dislike anybody

There was a comment that has now disappeared arguing that maybe the point of this new mystery organisation might be exactly racism. This woman clearly sounds racist and she wants Mellie to be POTUS, now either she's such a feminist she wants a woman in the Oval at all costs or she wants a white president as opposed to

It's definitely different but it should be imo, it's been six years. I think season 1 was mostly a procedural and it kept me hooked that's for sure, but it wasn't really the same thing by season 2 because that's where the Defiance bomb dropped iirc, right? From then on, the show's structure has been a lot more

She was raped by Fitz's father and the trauma kept her from having meaningful physical contact with her own husband and yet according to you she's the villain because she didn't tell him and "denied him affection". Amazing.

I think the actress is busy elsewhere but I miss Susan too.

I'm not hate watching for all it's worth. I probably annoyance-watched season 4 but everything before and after I enjoyed. Part of me thinks maybe the audience took Scandal for something to be taken seriously and now they're shocked to realize it isn't, but they'd rather say it's changed than admit it was always a

There was definitely a heavy real life influence, the faux Trump subplot being the most blatant example. When that legit Trump audio came out I almost expected to see Olivia go on tv and say it was handled. You might also have noted how Mellie is disliked for coming across as a know-it-all, which is a pretty strong

I was always sort of sympathetic to her because it can't be pretty to have an unfaithful husband but she really won me when Fitz yelled at her that's she was ornamental and non functional and she dragged him in return. I sort of found myself rooting for her. I'm still not sure how I see her as a politician, let alone

Ha, I actually loved that episode but it's also true that I found few of them to be flat out disappointing.

I'd just love to see more Mellie in general, but it seems like we got ourselves a season with character-centric episodes that vary weekly. Mellie's second turn might be in months.

I literally watched as I was washing the dishes, so it's more like I listened to it. Kept me awake. But to be fair I knew what would happen because I read this discussion post first.

Crime investigations' dynamics on this show have always baffled me.

Love it when I notice HTGAWM sets.

Season 6 would have been a good point to stop with contracts expiring and all. I personally don't want the show to end because I actually enjoy it but I'd definitely prefer other types of stories than ott criminal secret services.