
He's on the new Transformers film apparently! But he also played Lancelot on Merlin and an endlessly charming Aramis in the BBC Musketeers. Best performance was probably in the obscure movie Cristiada though. A warrior priest who /was/ chaste actually, but… Let's just say it was a waste. Get some Madeline!
(God I feel

I have loved this show dearly and I've followed it through weak plots and ups and downs because I'm just fond of it, but I couldn't cope with this season. My expectations were stellar because Aladdin and Jasmine would be in it, but it turned out to be a half baked disappointment I had to give up around episode 5. The

Still Tiffany's, it's Audrey's characters in her sleeping attire. Renata seems to be wearing a My Fair Lady costume.

Perry is so transparent. He doesn't want Celeste to get back to work because he was concerned stress wouldn't help her get pregnant back in the day, she replies she's not trying to get pregnant now and surprise! He wants another baby.

Yeah it's kind of disappointing because you can call it from, I'm not saying episode 1, but definitely 2 or 3. Kids who do those things don't do it out of the blue, they must have lived and breathed violence on some level. So of course everything points to the twins.

While the book is no piece of great literature, it does provide explanation as to why Celeste is still defending Perry: it's because (in the lies she's telling herself, of course) "at least he's a great father" and "it's not as if he's ever broken her bones" and ultimately she still loves him and is attracted to him.

Yeah the previous actress was more in line with the character, then again this one is more in line with her new alcoholic self. It's just there's apparently no inbetween and it's… disappointing.

Olitz helping the ratings is a strong possibility in my opinion. God knows I hate the couple but they used to be the core of the show and its great strength for a long while in terms of attracting viewers because of their impossible love / will-they-won't-they vibes. People don't seem to be interested in the show's

Season 4 was kind of a mess imo, I wouldn't be surprised to know people dropped the show back then. Except I liked season 5 and I don't mind season 6 so far, but I only know this because I didn't drop the show in the first place. Besides, it's a sixth season.

All right then, enjoy season 7 and keep telling yourselves you're definitely not watching every week.

I find Sally weirdly enjoyable because she looks like she deeply believes what she says and she probably does. She must have erased what happened with her husband at this point, or maybe she's actually sure that he deserved to die for being gay. And calling Jake the "NSA boy toy" was just brilliant.

While I agree it took far too long to get to Jake, at least it wasn't actually him. PLus there's been like three weeks inbetween, or we would have been past this a long time ago.

I thought she looked familiar but maybe I'd forgotten some characters from previous seasons (God knows I do that). I would never have figured it out though.

Next season is its 7th so of course they'll cancel it sooner than later, it won't be shocking. And I wouldn't act like hitting a low six years in is some never-before-seen kind of catastrophe, not every show is Grey's Anatomy. I'm personally happy to have one more year with Scandal and if you're not I'm not entirely

I dropped Grey's a long time ago so I may have missed out on some things but I wouldn't say Meredith, Cristina and Olivia are one dimensional characters. I think I know who they are simply because I know what motivates them, what they've been through and usually what they're after. Such traits are established pretty

To be fair, I agree. I'm a woman and I'm all for girlfriends, however women always sticking together no matter what is not what I see in real life. We have female friendships on this show, let there be some less than perfect relationships as well.

Ah you said it so much better than I did.

I think HTGAWM is slightly different in that Shonda doesn't actually write it. It's compelling, but its cast and obviously Viola in particular have to build their characters. There's almost no characterisation whatsoever. Shonda's own characters are much different - you may not like them but you know who they are.

I feel like this season is meant to be binge watched. It took us 5 episodes to get the villain, I can't imagine how long it'll take to know the deets and motives and all. Anyway I agree, it's probably going to put all those pieces in order at one point and I'll be watching. I'm frankly tired of all the bitterness and

I understand that, I even agree SF is a bland (pretty, but bland) actor. What I meant is when you look at Jake being a killer and you just don't see him as such, that might be because you shouldn't. Same with Huck really.