
Haven't they mentioned how cursed that house is a lot this season? I can definitely see her burning it down to cover up whatever happened. Thing is the Frank show makes me rule him out as the dead person when I'd been sure he would die until last week. I really don't want it to be Wes, though, so that leaves me kind

And I think Natalie Dormer and Helena Bonham Carter played at least two queens each too. It's odd, but it's even odder to Jennings having played two different characters in what's essentially the same story. And he just played Victoria's uncle too!
Here's to hoping Michael Sheen gets cast again too then.

Funny thing: Alex Jennings, who plays Edward here, played prince Charles in the Peter Morgan-penned movie The Queen. I guess we'll see another Charles in the upcoming seasons.

Edward and Wallis are constantly dancing in whichever version of them I watch. I'm going to assume they had absolutely nothing to do with their lives, especially with the Nazi gone.

What struck me is how these people, in this economy, are talking about jobs to be passionate about and so on. Like, I'd beg for any job at all.

There's definitely a lot of Raf around, but I'm not sure it's because Michael is dying soon. He said he moved on and he needs to stay in the picture for things other than take Mateo to school and making heart eyes at Jane.

It was really interesting to watch, I didn't know about it.

Haven't seen this yet, but thank God Petra is about to come back. That alone would make for at least an A-.

I can't believe we were blessed with this show. After watching ITV's Victoria fall from vaguely decent to shamelessly soapy I needed something to counterbalance that.
Nice touch with the colonialism department. When I heard Elizabeth say "savages" I thought someone would shoot her.
The scene where the queen learns

Thanks, I will! Wow she's good.

This is really shocking me, and I live in freaking Italy with the Vatican and all. I'm genuinely telling you it feels nuts to me. She has no reason at all to have a child, are they suggesting she'd rather have it even if she doesn't want it, can't afford to raise it and it will kill her dream? I really do hope she'll

While I didn't know Sutton Foster before the show because I'm not familiar with Broadway, I really do believe she gives Liza something that she alone can. She's pretty likable while her character can be a little volatile and hard to read. I mean, if Rebecca fucks up you'll know you she's got issues. Liza for the most

But they did portray it on JTV so it just feels… odd. Hopefully they'll bring it up in the next eps.

Interesting take on Younger, millennial isn't a word in my country so I never just took time to think about it. I do agree it's not a show aimed for millennials or written by them though. I love it, but it's pretty clearly a 40something'a take on a very specific portion of young folks.

Yael Grobglas is going to appear? And I thought I could never love her or the show more!

Right? I'm shocked she didn't seem to think of it a for a second.

Don't tell me, it's not even on Netflix in my country. All I can do is hit social networks and beg Americans to watch.

Right? I literally cried.

I think anxiety and depression is it, I'm no doctor and I don't want to pin down things I have no competence on but from where I stand I believe she's lacking a sense of purpose, which is what I relate to the most.

I have no particular problem with Connor, he can be whiny and annoying but I think Oliver wronged him in this ep and I don't find him deserving of that. I do believe Nate stands good chances to be under that sheet though, the show no longer knows what to make of him (not that it ever has) and I'm pretty sure Annalise