
I felt like this episode lasted 15 minutes, I couldn't believe it was over! What a gem.
Was I the only one deeply touched by the Greg/Josh goodbye scene? Sometimes I forget Vincent Rodriguez is just as good an actor as any of his costars.

I'm getting so frustrated with Frank I hope he's the one who died. I was never into him anyway - he seems like a Jake Ballard replica to me and Jake Ballard isn't a great character to begin with, but he's only getting worse. I really hope I'm not supposed to take his stalking of Laurel as romantic, I hope she kicks

This one would be an A for me.

Thank you all for answering, it's nice to have other POVs that aren't as involved, or at least not in the same way as fandoms are.

I have a question for Jane/Michael shippers here, especially if you're "casual" viewers and not part of the so-called fandom: how do you feel about the animated sequences? Were you expecting to see something real, however chaste and CW-comedy-ish? Were you disappointed? It's a debate among fans and I can't decide

I want her to be happy too. It's one of the reasons I was so happy with the Susanna character. If I were to pick one big mistep the show took that would be it. Even if the killings aren't a deal breaker, try pretending to be someone else to get under you ex partner's skin and trick her into loving you before you

I think he must have met Jane at 26-27, so it's reasonable to assume he'd had sex before, with at least that girl who turned out to be stalking him and possibly more. Then there was his work partner too.
I think maybe he didn't really expect Jane to orgasm but she thought he did, or at least hoped she would, because

That would be great, I'd dig that.

Michael does take bad news badly but to his credit he gets news that are /really/ bad. Reacting to "I'm pregnant with someone else's kids" and "I faked my orgasm" as if it were nothing would make him too perfect and possibly unhuman.

I didn't even mind the Sin Rostro subplot as long as it didn't eat up too much space from other plots, plus it took Michael in the mix which I was happy about. But I wanted it to stay a subplot, like Fey Sommer's death on Ugly Betty. But that one was resolved soon enough while we keep dragging this crime story from

And Susanna was such a great character. I do truly mourn her.

I wholeheartedly agree about Luisa, she's a character I'm not sure they know what to do with. My assumption on the couple is based on things the EP said recently enough to make me think it's never going to be over.

Yes, it's actually kind of disturbing. The whole Susanna thing was too much even for telenovela standards and then she proceeds to, I presume, drug and kidnap her? But I believe the worst part is that we're supposed to root for this couple. I even might if Rose is truly going to give up on crime, blablah, but this

This was a bit of a let down for me. Not because I didn't find it fitting (or grounded) for Jane to not be over the moon about her first time, especially since I experienced the same thing, but because I gravely missed Petra (or should I say Yael Grobglas in any of her forms) plus I was never particularly taken with

What an outstanding episode. The three numbers were incredible, but Paula's rates among the best since the pilot.

She was a perfectly lovely character on Ugly Betty and yet I couldn't stand her, I thought it was just me. I do believe they'll hook up though.


Thanks. It's so ironic that some people are freaking out because Michael interrupted Jane's date while Rose gets to practically shoot him to death and then proceed to drug and kidnap Luisa and no one objects for a second.

I don't trust people so much as to think they'd avoid these shows just because their titles aren't the best. I'm afraid the CW has an audience that isn't interested in them and that people that don't belong to that audience just won't bother to tune in out of prejudice.
That, or people are just freaking dumb.

Nah, even we are better than that. Even Berlusconi was better than that.