Urban Nomad

This show, in its less inspired moments, still offers laughs. I'm sure the season will pick up!

A fellow lucid dreamer, very interesting description there. Last night I dreamt of a strange seance on the woods that was very similar to some of the imagery at the end of the Blackstar video. When I woke up, Blackstar was reverberating in my head (specifically the ambient section with that ghostly chorus of

Hi AV, is there a reason why you've only posted articles about either Avery's undeniable guilt (thanks to new and improved evidence!) or about outlandish conspiracy theories that discredit many peoples' reasoned conclusions concerning Avery's innocence? I would love to read an article about judicial reform and a

The lyrics to "Real Friends" are God-awful, but it's Shakespeare compared to "Bound 2". Case in point: "I wanna fuck you on the sink, and after that give you something to drink."

One needs only to imagine him/herself or a loved one being locked away for life on falsified evidence to get combative.

A jury found OJ definitely not guilty. Juries are either coerced by judges to make hasty and "state-friendly" decisions or they're just stacked with people like you who have zero desire to see justice done because of an inability to lose pre-conceived ideas or examine evidence rationally and without bias. This case is

"Definitely guilty", a phrase likely used before Avery was put away for 18 years for a crime he did not commit. Never sit on a jury, for the love of God.

Beyond the obvious evidence tampering, coerced confessions, inconsistent details, and sleazy courtroom tactics used by the prosecution, there remains the all important question of who had a motive to kill. I'm not big on conspiracies, but when a gigantic lawsuit and serious allegations of ignoring evidence and

Yes of course. They set one of them up but not the other. Logical.

With Serial, my own opinion was that the convicted got what was coming to him. But Avery's case was just such a blatant set-up that it us unimaginable that a jury deliberated for days and convicted him. Here's a shocker people, law enforcement and government agencies can be crooked as fuck.

The series reaffirmed, for me, how law enforcement and intelligence agencies are willing to go to possibly murderous lengths to cover up truths which expose their corruption and ineptitude. They are state-sanctioned bullies and are parasites that throw patsies under the bus.

My teeth lost some volume because of this series.

Had to wikipedia David Duke, just realized that my dad's nickname may have more to do with his rampant antisemitism :)

I don't mean to one-up you, but my dad's shorts are so short ("how short are they?") that people in his hometown call him Davey Duke (his name is Dave and he wears homemade jean shorts with visible pockets a la Daisy Duke).

Steven Wilson - "Hand Cannot Erase" Anyone? I'll stay in my corner.

You said what I was too lazy to say. I concur 100%.

I consider this analysis ironic considering that my personal complaint with The Late Show is too much celebrity guestage and not enough satire and political content. The bits with substance always stick the landing while the fluff comedy and interviews are often entirely skippable. It's an enjoyable show but The

The last clip was just disturbing and the trailer needed more record scratch noises.

Anybody else read that Vice article on what will definitely happen to him in prison due to his special criminal/celebrity status? ***Bart Simpson shudder***

Trey and Matt make fun of intellectually challenged people (or as Jimmy would call them, "r-r-r-retarded") who feel the need to pigeonhole complex issues into shallow modes of collective thought. The "right" are highly guilty of this, and if you think for a second that South Park leans to the right, watch Team America