Urban Nomad

God actually does forbid adults enjoying teenagers' mindless pop music, that is unless they're commercially invested in it. They're allowed to feign interest when this is the case.

Some people take music and its ever diminishing quality fairly seriously. The bar for "great art" is lowered yet again.

As a musician, really impressed with the organic and clearly non-pitch-shifted vocals as well as the amazing instrumentals that are in no way canned and slotted in to a grid. The writing is also really inspired and obviously isn't entirely derivative and unoriginal.

He is addressing Black Lives Matter protestors, no? There is a racial component to these murders that is generally acknowledged.

I hope he falls during the opening monologue.

How dare Tarantino imply that racism exists in any form? Racism is just a bunch of pigeon-holing generalizations and hate-centred ideas that are believed individually or collectively by people and then sometimes acted upon with terrible consequences. So you see, racism is a figment of the imagination, a phantasm of

Unlike Adele's, Sir David's vocals aren't shrill and over-executed. Zing.

Baldy manky headed fucking twat!

I can't believe that there are still internet users who put up with ads. Reminds me of lemmings in traffic lineups when there exist alternative routes elsewhere. But maps.

This first episode is setting a mighty high bar for the rest of the season.

Thought it was a good ep, even a great ep. I enjoy these reviews but it is asking too much of the show to lower a grade because a side-plot character wasnt developed enough, or that the ending wasnt a "thinker" akin to Interstellar. Look at how fast paced the dialogue is in this show, it's enough just to cram in all

"Say Say Say" is so damn catchy that the '80's era's cheesy digital synths are easily forgiven. Also, is it just my musical pretension speaking or is Kanye's "Only One" a sonic hodge-podge/clusterfuck of un-listenability?

I feel South Park had a few pretty weak seasons (possibly during the time period where Trey and Matt were heavily invested in creating The Book of Mormon), but is now again just as funny as it has ever been.

The Yellow Shark has to be one of the most mesmerizing orchestral compositions ever written. Talk about going out on a high note.

I thought that the only thing the Queen knew how to say was "Heeelllooooo!"

I'd prefer not to water down my discography with music that is trying to pull me one way or another emotionally by using recycled melodic themes and progressions. Complete authenticity absolutely exists in music and I believe many people have not been able to find the artists who express it. Musicians know.
Hit 4:36

Her appearance on CBB was great. Her music is not (unless overproduced, shiny, music industry-manufactured, profit-motivated, generic, 4-chord teen pop written by millionaires twice your age is your thing).

I always preferred CSN to Y.

Two things that I'm most glad are nearly gone from the world: smallpox and nu metal.

I started reading the interview in Jemaine's timbre and accent about halfway in. Took longer to read but was worth it.