Urban Nomad

Baldwin threatening to sue over something so petty is the first time I've seen him do a passable Trump impression.

Uh, Patton posts snarky, cynical attacks on conservatives via his twitter account all day long. I don't even think he took a day off when his wife died. Just sayin'.

You are worfress Arec Bardwin.

I agree, his whiteness is the biggest drawback to the show. He shouldn't have picked that color.

Everyone knows that the Monty Python cast didn't dress up as women to be funny, they did it to maliciously make fun of the 0.05% of the UK population that was transgendered. They triggered people before it was even a thing and no one even thinks they're funny except misogynists and bigots. And maybe comedians or

This show always felt like the politics were first and the comedy second. Maybe some "progressives" will see this as a good thing, but I always felt bombarded with guilt watching this show. Hard to laugh under the circumstances.

Helloooo Buglers!

Everyone I know of named Gabe cannot seem to appreciate good musicianship or irreverent comedy.

Except that he is a mentally ill individual who talks chiefly about himself and shoes. Don't encourage his delusions of grandeur.

Mmmmwhooaaa that's some good megalomania.

I'm loling because that Simpson's bit was the very joke that occurred to me when I wrote that comment.

I just hope Chad is okay.

It took me listening to Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors through good headphones to become permanently addicted to that amazingly produced album.

Two words: In Rainbows

The idiot bastard son?

He is returning to the void out of which his weird Moog noises materialized. I hope the universe is giving him a good show.

Me not know them, they as good as The Mars Volta?

Maybe some people watch the show in the hopes of educating themselves about small claims, but my assumption is that most do to see a rich cranky lady berate and publicly humiliate uneducated poor people. I'm not moralizing, I just think that's the show's draw. As such, for many watching it's an entertaining spectacle

To be honest, the real crux of my point is that only very sad people watch this show because it is exploitive.

Fake though this show may be, it is an unemployed person's best friend (or maybe second best just behind welfare cheques).