
The joke wasn't "ew, undetermined gender." The joke was the other characters almost getting an answer but wups, it's a pun, you still don't get to know. Plus, Pat wasn't suffering. Pat was always fine being Pat, it was the other people who so needed to know who actually had the problem.

The Majestic. Somebody needed to type those two words, so I did.

Stooges and MC5

The Shining is a mediocre novel in all respects but one: it's a harrowing and real interior depiction of a white knuckle dry drunk.

He wears a flipper. It's like photoshop in 3-D.

Dives and In-drives, Diners.

It's been supplanted already. By ukulele covers of hip hop songs.

Doctor Scott!

That might be because that voice is Billy West doing Larry from the Three Stooges.

Dat Phan?

Look at her go!

It's pronounced Dive Kendo.

Sounds like you should do more thinkin' and Les Kidkillin'.


You understand he's also next level bonkers, right?

Lots of Jackface and Jackbreath in the previous episode. Mid season break episode: how Rick got his tattoo.

Beef Slabchest

I wanna be doin' some sin with you, Martha Quinn
I wanna be gettin' in Martha Quinn
Said I wanna be stuffin' Martha's muffin

Oliver Sava: