
I didn't think Aja was reading Valentina at all, if anything she was connecting with another Latina girl. The bullshit judgy attitude came from Trinity and the fucking editors.

It's probably his wife.

He said he JUST retired from his "six consecutive terms". So his Cabinet appointments ("for two administrations(!)") had to have been before then, in his 20s. Which pretty much doesn't happen. Biden served his six terms before serving in two administrations.

Anyone who thought all 50 of the remaining leaders of government would gather in one room with windows is living a fantasy. No, actually, they're an idiot.

Oh and "11 14 PM" getting teased out as the O N E paper saying "11/14, PM" is contrived bullshit. It is almost literally impossible for them to have found that in time.

Someone explain to me how Senator Extortion served "in two Cabinets and SIX CONSECUTIVE terms in the Senate"??? He just retired from a 36 YEAR Senate term, plus apparently a minimum of let's say two years in Cabinet (the end of one Administration and the beginning of a same-party new one)? He would need to be well

An appointed Vice President needs to be confirmed by both chambers to give them the most democratic legitimacy possible should they eventually accede to the presidency (see: Ford).

Ah, well that seems more down to normal incumbency deference.

Shhhhh. Details.

No, that would require a legitimate Republican party in DC, which doesn't exist. Most other delegates have had some relatively competitive elections the past few cycles.

In what world is that reporter hounding to find out his son's true parentage worth the time and respect of the White House Press Office? That is a BS gossip beat, not hard journalism and she should be admonished and blacklisted, not given the rewarded benefit of the doubt, regardless of the veracity of her claims.

Who thought a Tara-centric episode was a good idea? Who?

I don't quite remember the Veep scenario, but I don't remember being as aggravated. Certainly scale comes into play (bigger crisis here means bigger artistic mistakes). Do you mean the West Wing self-incapacitation where the Speaker took office as Acting President? What was the major issue with that?

I really have no idea. It's just me detailing what general procedure would be and sort of assumptions and stumbling blocks along the way. Is it visible? Or do I need to re-port it here?

Ten of those states allow appointments between the vacancy and the special election. Only four would remain totally vacant until then, leaving 92 appointees.

And Kirkman would technically (well, legally) only be Acting President until the next presidential election, but I don't know if that substantively curtails his powers in any way.

I get all the topicality with "Belgium, Paris" but Madrid, Mumbai, London, Beirut and so many others were all greater scale attacks than Brussels, specifically. Also, do the writers know Belgium is a country and if they're willing to not deign to explain the Strait or Hormuz, that they can say "Brussels" without

Moncada is real. Now Noonan was totally fake.

Shhhhhh. Spoilz. lol