
Interesting! Do you have on hand any of his son's anecdotes to share?

No, she's vaguely based off Dolly Moncada.

I don't think the man Duque was based off of died, or another character Los Pepes kill in the next few episodes. How much of the secondary characters' histories been changed? Gaviria is less twisted but Moncada is way changed for "artistic license". Who else?

History sort of dictates what they're able to do with them…

I LOVE me some Katya and am so so so so so so so glad Ginger went home instead of her, but I wasn't surprised to see her in the bottom. I wasn't quite sure who else would have been besides her. Maybe Roxxxy? I certainly didn't live for Alyssa this episode like it seems like most other people did, but was she bottom

I agree she didn't have so many obvious character traits to exaggerate, but I don't think she has much less than Perón. Fashion icon. Pill-popping. Anorexia. Spendthrift. Fragile bird trapped in a stuffy British cage. Colonics. There are things that can be expanded. Helen of Troy and Eve are only easier because

I mean, they apparently had 30 minutes to change from the challenge to the runway and then they have to have their makeup and latex bake under studio lights for hours. I'm sure it would have looked better under less ridiculous circumstances. And still ended up looking pretty fucking great.

You forgot "Was she a white woman?"

All that shit is DRAMA. Perón, Catherine the Great and Marie Antoinette are massively controversial political figures and we can drag them up. All this "Not Diana!" stuff is basically "We remember her/too soon" sensitivity.

I liked the note because most of us have a more immediate and fully complete look of Diana from her face, to her hair, to her figure; whereas Perón died, like, 65 years ago, so most people just substitute Madonna!Evita for her. Aside from Eve and Helen, we have a fair amounts of references as to what the others

Probably Coco, since everyone was asked to be a white woman (except Eve, I guess, technically).

Country = Toddler in tiara hair?
Future = Thai-esque accessories coated in foil?

And beating a dead horse about Ginger, but musical theatre actor =/= dancer. I agree she has less to show than Katya, but this critique is always so annoying.

Detox was not defending Sharon, she was defending Willam, and the editors went out of their way to not say her name because someone (Ru/WoW/Logo) has decided to blacklist her.

She's like a little baby! Make sure she goes down for her nap at 5:30 and burp her after big meals!

"Fitz, you think you can overrule me?"
"I am literally the President, you stroppy ginger."

"Mellie, the press are 20yds away! But, yeah, you didn't know Olivia killed my crippled ex-veep?"

Whoa, I'd forgotten about Sally. How long has it been since she's been on the show??

I mean, I guess, but she had to make a cheat sheet. For infection. Not like, "What do I do if a pregnant woman has eclampsia?" Trouble with that, I'd give her a pass on. But infection is rough, girl.