Truth Sayer

And lemme guess, you predicted Trump had a shot at winning the primary when he announced his bid for president?

One candidate like Trump who EVERYONE was against but somehow magically won by a landslide in a logic-defying turn of events? If the primaries were any indication of things to come, Trump will win. I know this, but I guess you'll have to wait to find out.

Just now.

You are boring af and that's a fact.

Idiot it's a metaphor for casting a vote. Don't hurt yourself.

Everyone on here is so Anti-Trump because that's the coolest thing to do rn. But I guarantee come election day, half of you are putting his name om that ballot. SJWs are the worst tbh.

Go be a goat elsewhere

You will be shocked come election day. I believe that 50% of Trump supporters are closet-supporters. They won't tell you that they'll vote for Trump but come election day, when they're alone in that booth, guess who's name they'll put in. (Hint: It's not Hilary). That's the only explanation for him winning the

gtfoh you goat

It's so interesting how EVERYONE is against Trump, but he won the primaries and he's head to head in the polls. We got some closet supporters? Anyways, he's winning and
thats that.

Wow could you take me with you to your time machine, cos you can obviously see the future.

Trump is winning this election. There seems to be more discord at the DNC than the RNC. Shows you how much people don't like Hilary.

You assume that everyone ends up voting, which is wrong, as diehard voters ar FAR more likely to vote than on-the-fencers. Also, die hard voters are FAR more likely to convince either other on-the-fencers or even people with opposite views to vote their way. So, as you can see, there's a multiplier effect.

You guys are getting it wrong. People WILL compromise if they feel there is something to compromise. Bernie supporters will rather vote Trump than Hilary, I assure you. And tbh, there seem to be FAR more Bernie supporters than Hilary supporters, especially when you consider the diehard ones. Trump has won the

You can't force people to like someone they don't. What is amazing to me though is that there seem to be die-hard Bernie fans/voters, but I'm yet to see the same for Hilary. It's then ridiculous that she won the primary. Bernie was the best chance to beat Trump (I mean compare Trump diehards to Hilary's. It like a

You numbskull, so he would call a cab and leave his cab at the scene of a crime, with his keys inside the house? You're either mentally retarded or mentally underdeveloped. I'm leaning towards both.

I can confirm that you are dumb as a brick. How tf was he going to get out of there w/o the cab?

LMFAO. Are you dense? Him laving his car keys IN THE FIRST PLACE shows how irrationally he was thinking. Like come on. How could he scream for help when the last thing he remembered was stabbing the 'poor' girl through her hand, and he was apparently the only one in the apt. Of course, he felt he was the first

Puh-lease. I can personally attest to this kind of behavior. It mainly happens when one is trying to keep calm after being in a crazy situation. You're trying to stay calm, but it's hard cos of all the adrenaline and/or shock, causing you to act inconsitently, as you alternate between looking/acting calm and being